supermerill / SuperSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)
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Feature request - cold extrusion above support interface layers #4268

Open giuliob86 opened 1 month ago

giuliob86 commented 1 month ago

Print the layer segment that is right above a support interface layer as cold as it can be printed without underextruding. Process: 1) Identify the supported segments. 2) Right before the start of a supported segment, set the temperature to a temperature of choice that is lower than the normal printing temperature (f.e. 20° lower), at the same time move the printhead to a wipe tower where it will be wiping for n seconds, where n is to be set manually (f.e. 5 or 10 seconds); this will give the hotend time to cool down. Then return to the print. 3) Right after the end of a supported segment, set the temperature to normal temperature, at the same time move the printhead to a wipe tower where it will wiping for m seconds; this will give the hotend time to heat up. Then return to the print.

The purpose is to further reduce bonding strength between print and supports.