supermerill / SuperSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)
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New feature: gcode command in Height Range Modifier #4283

Open CuredPrusa opened 1 month ago

CuredPrusa commented 1 month ago

I think it would be nice to have ability to add custom gcode command with height range modifier. With two selectable options:

  1. Introduce the custom gcode only at first layer of height range.
  2. Introduce the custom gcode at the beginning of each layer within the height range.

That would improve the manual gcode input opposed to conventional vertical height bar

CuredPrusa commented 4 weeks ago

I don't think the option number 2 would be much useful. Just import custom gcode to the first layer of height range, that should be enough. I guess I got trauma from automatically repeated M106 :)

supermerill commented 4 weeks ago

Currently, you can just use the printer's After layer change g-code

{if layer_z >= 0.8 && layer_z < 1};MY COMMAND{endif}

I'm not sure what the modifier will bring more than that.

CuredPrusa commented 4 weeks ago

After layer change g-code

Is this the vertical bar for layers?

{if layer_z >= 0.8 && layer_z < 1};MY COMMAND{endif}

You have to be more specific, I'm not (yet) familiar with coding.

I'm not sure what the modifier will bring more than that.

Custom gcode in height range modifier would bring better usability of custom gcode, as I already wrote:

supermerill commented 4 weeks ago

Is this the vertical bar for layers?

After layer change g-code is here image

You have to be more specific, I'm not (yet) familiar with coding.

doc: to be simple:

{if layer_z >= here you enter the start height && layer_z < here you enter the end height. note that the command will be repeated for each layer taht are between the values. } here you enter your gcode commands. you can add some line return. {endif}

. { start of the macro . if = if X then command . >= higher or equal . layer_z the variable that store the current layer height. there is also layer_num for the layer number. . && and . }end of the macro command. As it's a if, the gocde that follow will be printed only if the 'if' is true .{endif} end of the 'if' block.

CuredPrusa commented 4 weeks ago

Oh, that! I didn't even pay attention. That could be useful to use. Nice. Thanks for explanation. Although this is not as convenient as hrm, but if it's complicated to add gcode input to hrm, this custom G-code in Printer could be a useful workaround. Although, for the intended purpose, it should be located at "Print settings" not "Printer". I usually pull the same "Printer" profile for many projects. Thanks anyway.

CuredPrusa commented 4 weeks ago

Is it possible to add code to more than one layer with "After layer change g-code "? If so, how to write that?

supermerill commented 4 weeks ago

just copy paste and change the value:

{if layer_z >= 0.8 && layer_z < 1};MY COMMAND FOR LAYER HEIGH 0.8{endif}
{if layer_z >= 1 && layer_z < 1.2};MY COMMAND FOR LAYER HEIGH 1{endif}
CuredPrusa commented 1 week ago

So will you leave it like this, to use the existing macro before-after layer, or will you add it to HRM? I'm fine with both solutions, as long as it works, but it would be more elegant to have it in HRM for better transparency and convenience. I guess a link inside software from HRM to layer macro could be the easiest path.

supermerill commented 1 week ago

In next nightly, there is object_gcode and region_gcode. I added them for the pressure advance calibration, but I fear they may be of low usefullness. But now you have them.