supermerill / SuperSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)
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Sometimes the speed overview includes the travel move #4287

Closed CuredPrusa closed 1 week ago

CuredPrusa commented 4 weeks ago

I can't define to what it could be related, but sometimes I see that speed overview includes a travel speed and that messes up the whole overview. I can not see nuances of layer speed anymore due to wide spectre of speed range. Sometimes it works fine (without travel speed - as it should be), but then I change something and travel speed jumps in and I can not get rid of it, so I have to reduce the travel speed to the layer speed to be able to see the speed of layers in colour. It happens both in 2.4 and 2.5. Here's how it looks like:


Layer speed is 30, travel is 200.

supermerill commented 4 weeks ago

you can use the "max" field you have, in the bottom of your screenshot, to eliminate high speed.

I'll look into it on why and how.

CuredPrusa commented 4 weeks ago

I don't think this works properly either:


supermerill commented 4 weeks ago

can't reproduce, can you share your project, or how to make the travel included in the graph?

CuredPrusa commented 4 weeks ago

I can't either :) I wonder if this is a cursed project. Here it is at your disposal, I gave up on trying to understand this speed overview.....

While your at it, please check why other marks are shown on display out of turn, for example this travel around seam (red vertical line):


And try to see how the print goes at layer 1.60mm. Does this look normal on your computer? Maybe it's my computer, idk.


supermerill commented 4 weeks ago

ok. If you have selected "travel" as visible, and then you reslice, then they will be included.

CuredPrusa commented 4 weeks ago

If you have selected "travel" as visible, and then you reslice, then they will be included.

Nice! At least I know now how to get rid of travel speed on display. Thanks! I hope you agree travel speed should by all means not be included in speed overview.

supermerill commented 4 weeks ago

In prusaslicer, it's included is shown. Currently, I replicate the behaviour.

CuredPrusa commented 4 weeks ago

Ok. What do you say about other two strange things?

supermerill commented 3 weeks ago

The gcode viewer is a bit confused some times, and not really in sync, sometimes including the next layer at the end.... I didn't had the time to really look at what's causing that.

CuredPrusa commented 3 weeks ago

Ok, as long as you're aware of the quirks, I'm fine with that. Thanks.

CuredPrusa commented 3 weeks ago

If you have selected "travel" as visible, and then you reslice, then they will be included.

I wish SS can reslice (Ctrl+R) every time, regardless if there's a change or not.

supermerill commented 3 weeks ago

it will in next nightly

CuredPrusa commented 1 week ago

In 2.5 .12 still can not reslice unless there's a change.