supermerill / SuperSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)
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Add option to relate infill angle to object orientation #4288

Open TillScout opened 4 weeks ago

TillScout commented 4 weeks ago

I am on a CoreXY machine and SuperSlicer is set to add objects at a 45° angle by default, so that for rectangular objects the outside perimeters are done with only a single motor working and seam placement is easier. Consequently, I changed my fill_angle to 0, so that the infill is at a 45° angle to the perimeters. However when I have a large object, I have to re-orient it so that it fits my build plate and I often forget to adjust the fill_angle. So my request is if you could relate the fill_angle to the object angle, so that with rotation of the object the infill angle will also rotate automatically.

supermerill commented 4 weeks ago

that means if I import a file, and rotate it (because the file was in a random orientation, silly designer), then the infill is in this random direction?

TillScout commented 4 weeks ago

hmm, when the orientation in the file was random, yes, infill would probably turn out random. I see where this might cause trouble. One could add a checkbox, whether rotating the models should also rotate infill direction, but that would overcomplicate things and only serve edge cases.

CuredPrusa commented 1 week ago

Isn't that similar to #4304 ?