supermerill / SuperSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)
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Overhang speed overrides Layer time Goal. #4315

Open TwomD opened 2 weeks ago

TwomD commented 2 weeks ago

Not sure if this is a bug or an intended “feature”:

Bug description I just noticed that the overhang speed setting overrides the layer time goal. So if there is something small to print, it will slow down everything to meet the layer time goal, except for overhangs. These still get printed at the set overhang speed.

Expected behavior the overhangs should also be slowed down

Screenshots i set the overhang speed to 80 in this screenshot to make the problem more noticeable: image

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supermerill commented 2 weeks ago

it's expected, as the speed when you're doing an overhang is very important, or the ooze may destroy it.

legend069 commented 1 week ago

Perhaps we should add a check box for this to apply to overhangs? It may cause issues if the overhang is a bridge though.
