supermerill / SuperSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)
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Merging a merged object with another object changes the rotation state of a part of the original object #4318

Closed Icenowy closed 1 week ago

Icenowy commented 1 week ago

What happened?

I am trying to hack a customized Voron skirt in SuperSlicer when discovering this problem. When merging the Merged object with another simple object, some parts of the Merged object changes rotation.

Project file & How to reproduce

Merge the Merged object with any Shape-Box object and the problem will happen.


Operating system

AOSC OS (distro built SuperSlicer)

Printer model

No response

supermerill commented 1 week ago

mmmm can't reproduce. image

Maybe when the project is saved, the rotation is set in a better way? is it the rotation of the cube that is messed up? Can i have a screenshot?

Icenowy commented 1 week ago

Can't reproduce with 3MF either.

Never mind now.