supermerill / SuperSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)
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Thin walls bug/issue - inconsistent slicing and thin walls width too small #4330

Open pajtaz opened 5 days ago

pajtaz commented 5 days ago

Bug description There are two issues here, not sure how they are related.

  1. Main issue is that thin walls are too small. If using thin walls and having any settings other than 100% under "Min width:" the thin walls end up being extruded at widths that are smaller than that setting and really small. In the attached 3MF slice the file and go to layer 20. You will see thin walls having widths of 0.017934, 0.0265, 0.007767, 0.040366, etc. See attached photo of how that layer external wall looks like in gcode preview - be careful not to look at the end of the layer because it does not look like that during the preview. When printed that layer is essentially missing the external perimeter. I did not take a photo of the printed part but the part is missing that layer 20 external perimeter.
  2. Second issue or bug is that the same part oriented 90 degrees does not slice the same way, at least on layer 20. It still ends up with a few really thin walls but the main part of the wall ends up extruded as a normal external perimeter with width of 0.48, while on the original part that same main part of the wall is being extruded as thin wall of width 0.017919. Expected behavior
  3. Thin walls should not have line widths smaller than the setting under "Min width:" - if I am understanding that setting correctly.
  4. Same part should have exact same line widths no matter which orientation it is placed.

!!>> Project File <<!! Project file attached; gcode of original orientation attached; gcode of 90 deg rotated attached. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. For issue 1, slice the file, go to gcode and look at layer 20. Go to gcode preview and slide through layer 20 from beginning.
  2. For issue 2, orient the model by rotating it 90 deg around Z axis. Slice the file, go to gcode and look at layer 20. Go to gcode preview and slide through layer 20 from beginning. Screenshots Screenshots of two orientations attached. It is gcode preview at the end of the external perimeter. Screenshot of thin walls setting attached. thin_walls_issue_original thin_walls_issue_rotated_90deg thin_walls_setting

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