supermerill / SuperSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)
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request horizontal expansion for hole only #998

Closed tjengbudi closed 3 years ago

tjengbudi commented 3 years ago

hello, it really nice to have object printed with exactly the same dimension of my model design. i have calibrated my printer, my object square is calibrated. my filament extruder is calibrated also. but when i desain i block with a hole i cannot plug it nicely even i added 0.1 in my design. i slice it with s3d before and found nothing about horizontal expansion

so i try another slicer. i got prusaslicer, superslicer and cura. i have better printing with super slicer so i ask this. and i have very bad slicing with cura. but cura have hole horizontal expansion so i request this if any option to add this feature.

with xy horizontal expansion my outer dimension is changing also. outer dimension is priority. so i need to not changing the outer dimension.

please let me know if this option possible to add in the future

thanks a lot

neophyl commented 3 years ago

This already is there. Under Print Settings>Slicing Vertical Hole Shrinking Compensation. You have a few options, convert to poly holes, or the XY compensation with its associated threshold value.

tjengbudi commented 3 years ago

oops my bad. thanks for the clarification.

kikomansi commented 2 years ago

I am confused on how this work. Can someone guide me?

supermerill commented 2 years ago


At the arrow, put the number of mm to add to the object (reducing the hole dimension). So if you want a bigger hole, put a negative value. The threshold deactivates the option if the hole area is bigger than that. set to 0 to ignore. Note that it works on layers. Go to a preview window and look at a single layer. Here, if you have an empty space that is enclosed by the extrusions. If it's convex, then it's a hole. If you want to change all the inner surfaces, and not only the holes, use the xy compensation -> inner.