I was facing this question earlier and figured it out. I'm sharing the answer below in case anyone else needs to know this information.
As per the instructions in this repo, a single blade template is broadcast into our resources folder at <theme>/resources/views/tribe/events/v2/default-template.blade.php.
This template is used for both the monthly/list events view and single events views. In order to determine which view we are in, we call the method is_single_event on the class Template_Bootstrap (for the full method docs see here). This method returns a boolean value. We can evaluate this value using an if conditional statement to include different files depending on whether we are in a single event view.
use Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template_Bootstrap;
@if(tribe( Template_Bootstrap::class )->is_single_event())
{{-- Conditionally display something if we are in a single event --}}
{{-- Conditionally display something if we are *not* in a single event --}}
{!! tribe( Template_Bootstrap::class )->get_view_html(); !!}
I was facing this question earlier and figured it out. I'm sharing the answer below in case anyone else needs to know this information.
As per the instructions in this repo, a single blade template is broadcast into our resources folder at
.This template is used for both the monthly/list events view and single events views. In order to determine which view we are in, we call the method
on the classTemplate_Bootstrap
(for the full method docs see here). This method returns a boolean value. We can evaluate this value using an if conditional statement to include different files depending on whether we are in a single event view.