superphy / spfy

Spfy: an integrated graph database for real-time prediction of Escherichia coli phenotypes and downstream comparative analyses
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 2 forks source link

Document production deployment #313

Open kevinkle opened 6 years ago

kevinkle commented 6 years ago
[claing@superphy backups]$ service jetty status
** WARNING: JETTY_LOGS is Deprecated. Please configure logging within the jetty base.
Jetty NOT running

JAVA           =  /bin/java
JAVA_OPTIONS   =  -Xmx6g -Dcom.bigdata.rdf.sail.webapp.ConfigParams.propertyFile=/Warehouse/Applications/superphy/ -Djetty.home=/Warehouse/Applications/superphy/jetty -Djetty.base=/Warehouse/Applications/superphy/jetty
JETTY_HOME     =  /Warehouse/Applications/superphy/jetty
JETTY_BASE     =  /Warehouse/Applications/superphy/jetty
START_D        =  /Warehouse/Applications/superphy/jetty/start.d
START_INI      =  /Warehouse/Applications/superphy/jetty/start.ini
JETTY_START    =  /Warehouse/Applications/superphy/jetty/start.jar
JETTY_CONF     =  /Warehouse/Applications/superphy/jetty/etc/jetty.conf
JETTY_ARGS     =  jetty.state=/Warehouse/Applications/superphy/jetty/jetty.state jetty-started.xml
JETTY_RUN      =  /Warehouse/Applications/superphy/jetty/jetty
JETTY_PID      =  /Warehouse/Applications/superphy/jetty/jetty/
JETTY_START_LOG=  /Warehouse/Applications/superphy/jetty/jetty/jetty-start.log
JETTY_STATE    =  /Warehouse/Applications/superphy/jetty/jetty.state
RUN_CMD        =  /bin/java -Xmx6g -Dcom.bigdata.rdf.sail.webapp.ConfigParams.propertyFile=/Warehouse/Applications/superphy/ -Djetty.home=/Warehouse/Applications/superphy/jetty -Djetty.base=/Warehouse/Applications/superphy/jetty -jar /Warehouse/Applications/superphy/jetty/start.jar jetty.state=/Warehouse/Applications/superphy/jetty/jetty.state jetty-started.xml

Jetty is in

total 240K
drwxrwx---.  6 superphy applications   133 Jun 21 08:53 .
drwxrwxr-x. 19 nobody   nobody         462 Apr  6 17:37 ..
drwxrwx---.  8 superphy         40290  310 Jan 28  2016 app
drwxrwx---.  7 superphy applications   127 Jan 29  2016 backups
drwx------. 11 claing   collaborators  452 May 15 20:30 jetty
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 claing   collaborators 4.9K May 15 17:53
drwxrwx---.  2 superphy applications    52 May  6  2016 tempgenome
[claing@superphy superphy]$ pwd
kevinkle commented 6 years ago
[claing@superphy blazegraph]$ ls -lah
total 51G
drwxrwxr-x. 5 claing nobody         149 Jun 21 10:02 .
drwxrwxr-x. 5 claing nobody          75 Mar 28 11:26 ..
drwxrwxr-x. 2 claing nobody          29 Dec 19  2017 2017-12-19
drwxrwxr-x. 2 claing nobody          29 Jan 23 15:18 2018-01-23
drwx---r-x. 3 claing collaborators   23 Jun 21 09:49 2018-06-21
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 claing nobody         42G Dec 13  2017 bigdata.jnl
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 claing nobody        2.7K Dec 13  2017
[claing@superphy blazegraph]$ pwd

2018-01-23 holds the stable copy of the 10k enterobase genomes.