Closed HairingX closed 3 months ago
Supply air is the air from HVAC to room Extract is from the room to HVAC Exhaust is from HVAC to outside Outside is outside to HVAC
Your numbers look perfectly normal if your bypass is open.
Context: I am using your awesome HACS integration which connects to my Nilan gateway. (just if it affects anything)
The values i get does not match the values in the Nilan app.
This image is showing my bypass open:
The nilan app shows my temperatures as: T1 Outdoor - 16deg T3 Extract - 22deg
I think values might be switched around.
The Extract sensor drops when bypass is opened
The Exhaust sensor remains at room temp even during bypass
The Supply sensor increases when bypass is opened
The Outside sensor seems correct
The Efficiency goes to almost 600% when bypass is opened:
It seems like the Supply (T2) has the value for Exhaust (T4) Extract (T3) has the value for Supply (T2) Exhaust (T4) has the value for Extract (T3)
Just a bit more info, if it helps Left image is bypass closed, right one is bypass opened (in this state, efficiency was around 338%)
Nilan app values Bypass closed: T1 Outdoor - 16deg T3 Extract - 22deg
Bypass opened: T1 Outdoor - 15deg T3 Extract - 22deg
It seems like the addresses in the GenvexNabtoCTS400 for the sensors does not match the addresses in the other Nilan libraries. From what i can find, ex. has the addresses that matches my test results (image placed last in this comment)
Is it possible to get a description on the fan and temperature sensor directions?
I am having a bit of trouble placing the sensors/fans on my UI.
Is this correct? Outside temperature is air sent from outside to hvac? (T1) Extract temperature is air sent from hvac to room? (T2) Exhaust temperature is air sent from room to hvac? (T3) Supply temperature is air sent from hvac outside? (T4)
Fan speed extract is air sent from room to hvac/outside? Fan speed supply is air sent from hvac/outside to room?
Maybe you could help with clarifying the sensor placement with the t1, t2, t3 and t4 markings on the image attached. As well as the fans. It would be very appreciated.
If the above is not correct for my CT500/CTS400 unit, I might have to look at sensor placements.