supersaiyanmode / PyWebOSTV

Python API for controlling LG TVs (Web OS)
MIT License
261 stars 50 forks source link

Request for write access to repo #85

Closed jo47011 closed 1 year ago

jo47011 commented 1 year ago

Hi @supersaiyanmode,

great & easy access to the LG TV. Thanks for that 😄

I enhanced my copy so notifications also support for icons (optional). If you want these changes in your repo I need write access to create a PR. Currently I get: remote: Permission to supersaiyanmode/PyWebOSTV.git denied to jo47011.

Gustry commented 1 year ago

You should push to your own fork, then you submit the PR from your fork on this repository ;-)

You have the button on top right corner of github, on this page. Then, you need to add a "git remote" with your fork.

supersaiyanmode commented 1 year ago

Thanks so much for looking to contribute. Can you please create a PR (Pull Request) in order to contribue? You might find this tutorial useful.

jo47011 commented 1 year ago

Understood. Thanks for the details on howto create a PR. Here it is: