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[feature] Better content warning handling in RSS feeds #2949

Open clawedcourtier opened 4 weeks ago

clawedcourtier commented 4 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem ?

I'm not totally sure if RSS changes are in-scope for GTS, since I'm aware RSS users are a minority. But if this is in-scope:

Right now, feed posts with content warnings render with the warning itself in the title, and the content itself in both the description and the content body. In a lot of readers, especially ones with expanded views, this means that the warned-for content ends up front and center. Less than ideal if you were trying to avoid said content!

Describe the solution you'd like.

I thought about using \<details> to create a toggle, but it doesn't seem to work in RSS (or at least in the reader I tested on). Add to that the fact that there's many, many different kinds of readers out there, all with their own way of rendering posts, and that means there isn't really a clean way to handle this.

One possibility is that posts with content warnings could render with just the content warning and a link to the post on the instance proper. (See mockup below.) However, this is a royal pain for people who prefer content warnings expanded by default, especially since a lot of folks use them as summaries to cut down on post length or setups for a bit instead of as warnings.


Another possibility is to adopt the structure used by Mastodon's RSS feeds, in which content warnings are labeled as such at the beginning of the description, and offset from the rest of the content by a \<hr>. (Screenshot of how it renders below.) This doesn't entirely solve the issue with the content being up front and center, but it offers a little more reading delay. Perhaps enough that a user could hit a hotkey to skip past the post, to the next entry.


Finally, there's the possibility of just using \<description> for the content warning, and \<content> for the actual content, and trusting that there's probably a relevant display mode that makes good use of this in most RSS readers. (This was probably the rationale behind using \<title> for the content warning, since several readers have a way to display only titles. I think moving it to \<description> would make it integrate more seamlessly with other display modes and feeds, though.)

I think I am most inclined towards the third/last possibility, but it would be good to get feedback from more people who use RSS for fedi, as I'm hardly a power user myself.

Describe alternatives you've considered.

(See above.)

Additional context.

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daenney commented 3 weeks ago

If I'm not mistaken, a lot of feed readers have a feature to fetch the full post nowadays since plenty of feeds don't include the full content of posts/articles either. So if we don't include the content in a CWed post, that should still be solvable locally for people who prefer to read with the CW expanded by default.