superseva / mutant-year-zero

Mutant Year Zero system for FoundryVTT
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 20 forks source link

MY0 et AA #102

Closed Coyotito007 closed 3 months ago

Coyotito007 commented 3 months ago

2 small modifications :

-suppression of a part of the code i added that was actually not necessary in diceroller.js

Very sorry for the mess (i'm far from a good coder) and thank you a lot for taking that into consideration.

superseva commented 3 months ago

It would be good to include that argument through the parameter desctructuring argument variable and default it as null. You see how all parameters in that call are named and mapped to the default value of that function they are calling. so adding a itemId parameter to that call by using the same pattern as other varables are passed in that call to the dialog ( like itemId:itemId ).