superseva / mutant-year-zero

Mutant Year Zero system for FoundryVTT
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ER - Encumbrance - Deal with talent like "Pack mule" #95

Closed Kariaudhanaur closed 8 months ago

Kariaudhanaur commented 8 months ago

Is it possible to have some parameters to modify / update / multiply values of the character sheet ?

The first idea is with Pack mule : You can carry twice as many objects as normal without being encumbered (page 23).

It seems impossible for the moment to have the double of the encumbrance limit (to avoid "red cell" when there is no overweight)

Thanks ! :)

superseva commented 8 months ago

Shouldn't dragging/creating a talent with the name "Pack Mule" on the character do it automatically ?

Kariaudhanaur commented 8 months ago

Didn't work last time... I'll try again today and let you know Thanks

Kariaudhanaur commented 8 months ago

You're right... it's working... But only in english ^^ In french, "Mule", doesn't work. Is there a way to translate this sort of automation you hard coded somewhere ? Thank you

(and by any chance, is there a way to know the list of "automation" existing in your module ? except for this one of course ^^ )

superseva commented 8 months ago

Oh, yeah. Talents are not translated, but if you want you can create Active Effect on the actor

Modify system.encumbranceMax on Active Effect Tab. You can Add/Override the value there chrome_RYdYloCeQj

Kariaudhanaur commented 8 months ago

Indeed, it works perfectly ! Thank you, I'll use it that way ^^

Kariaudhanaur commented 8 months ago

Perfect workaround :)