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Feature: Native support in Cloudevents #777

Open yanivbh1 opened 1 year ago

yanivbh1 commented 1 year ago

Initial lead

Discord user: @hamohl - "Could not find anything in the docs about it, does Memphis work with ? Seeing as CloudEvents has official bindings for NATS Jetstream"


CloudEvents is a specification for describing event data in a common way. As CloudEvents continues to grow, Memphis users should also have the ability to work with it natively. Currently, CloudEvents support NATS, and therefore can be partially compatible with Memphis, but without the full Memphis experience.

Ways to approach

Priority 1: Integrate Memphis with CloudEvents Go/Javascript/Python SDK over TCP Priority 2: Integrate Memphis with CloudEvents using HTTP and Memphis REST GW

More resources on CloudEvents can be found here -

brunobandev commented 1 year ago

Hey lads, I was having a look at cloud events to help with this feature. What do ye think about splitting it into two tasks? And then, probably I'd need some direction to start it. As I could check, it seems that we need to update Memphis SDKs by adding theirs. Because the only thing that will change is the event data itself... Am I right? I'd like to hear your thoughts about it to get more info about the task.

Thank ye all

yanivbh1 commented 1 year ago

@brunobandev I think the right approach to understanding the right way to implement it would be to dig in their docs, perhaps raise a question to their community, understand that you have everything you need from Memphis side, and than go for it.

g41797 commented 9 months ago

I think first of all Memphis protocol binding for Cloud Events should be approved. Asked question in slack #cloudevents channel Opened #1240 in cloudevents/spec repo

Next steps: