supertokens / docs

SuperTokens documentation
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Us vs Stytch #27

Open rishabhpoddar opened 3 years ago

rishabhpoddar commented 3 years ago


rishabhpoddar commented 3 years ago

See the answers for SuperTokens here

Describe the dev setup experience (how many steps and what are they + time overall)

How well do they support various platforms and SDKs?

How can we go about customising the UI? From colours to full customisation

How do we do things like handle sign up success?

Setting up for the two use cases of multi tenancy?

If one needs to do something like paginating across all users in the app in their API, how can they do that?

If someone wants to tweak the sign up / sign in APIs, how can they do that?

How would adding custom sign up fields work?

How would adding custom sign up validators work?

What if you want to embed the sign up / in page into your website UI (As opposed to opening a new tab..). Is that possible?

Will their solution work with serverless env like in nextjs or netlify?

Documentation review

What are the supported databases

Is there a mechanism for protecting routes (similar to the supertokens auth wrapper). How easy is it to protect multiple pages and what does the code look like?

implementation with ssr

Migration to and away

API customisability

How to go about customising the email design and or the sender's domain?

How do go about sending emails yourself if you want to?

How to disallow sign up and only have sign in?

How to customise OTP sent via SMS?

Does it provide Email OTP as a feature?

Can a user be re-authenticated when visiting a protected route?