supertokens / supertokens-core

Open source alternative to Auth0 / Firebase Auth / AWS Cognito
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Implement account linking #447

Closed rishabhpoddar closed 1 year ago

rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

This issue is about account linking

Flow diagrams:


rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

Extra notes:

rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

Data structure to handle account linking info:

userId -> [{
   recipeId: string,
   recipeUserId: string,
   verifiedIdentifyingIds: set<>, // NOTE: these should be dynamically calculated based on email verification table
   unverifiedIdentifyingIds: set<>,  // NOTE: these should be dynamically calculated based on email verification table

Email verification

Sign up changes

Sign in changes

Fetching user ID

Post sign up / in callback

Changing user info

Disabling / enabling account linking


Internal vs external users

Old - 1 (for reference)

When someone already has existing users and they want to migrate those users into supertokens, they have to call the signUp function for that existing user. This will create a new user in supertokens with its own userId. To facilitate easier migration, we want to make sure that this user's ID is the same as the external user ID. For this, we should allow the developer to create a primary user ID (with their own userID = external userId) that is associated with the new account. The email / phone number of the new account will go in the verifiedIdentifyingId array of this entry.

Note that this account linking is done manually and therefore can be done even if the account linking feature is disabled.

The catch to this is that if there already exists a primary user account with the same identifying info, then this new account will be linked to that. In this way, the user's ID cannot be set to the existing external user ID - but this is OK since it means that this external user already somehow had an account with supertokens via a different login method.. which should be impossible?

Old - 2

If account linking is enabled

We have a table already for user ID mapping. When a user is being migrated, we will consider their identifiers as verified immediately, and so their getUserId function will return the primary user ID. This means, that we can map the primary User ID to the external userID in the user ID mapping table.

Now a problem is that there might already be a primary user ID mapping in that table. This can happen if there existed a user in the older system who logged in with a different method but with the same email as the user being migrated now (but account linking was not enabled in their older system). In this case, the user ID mapping table will not allow the same primary user ID to be inserted again (unique constraint on the supertokens user ID column). So here, we can either:


Let take a scenario where two external user accounts are linked to the same externalUserId. Which means an externalUserId has multiple login methods for the user. Now when importing such user, we'll end up creating two recipe users (linked to the same primaryUserId), with primaryUserId having external userId mapping.


When importing EU1 with L1, recipe user R1 is created with primaryUserId P1 and external userId mapping with EU1. When importing EU1 with L2, recipe user R2 is created. Here, because EU1 is also associated with P1, we link R2 to P1.

If there is an email password user sign up, we create a recipe user ID R1 with no primary user ID. Now if the user maps R1 to E1 (external user ID), and then verifies the account (which creates a primary user ID, P1 === R1), then it will still work since now the primary user ID will be mapped to the E1. One problem here is that if R1 needs to be deleted, but P1 is also linked to another account, then we still want to keep the user ID mapping. So for this, we need to make the user ID mapping reference the primary user ID OR recipe user ID. TODO: db testing

Deleting a user

If the user ID belongs to a primary account, all the linked accounts are also deleted. If the user ID belongs to an individual recipe account, only that account is removed and delinked.

Note that we need to delete from reset password table as well explicitly even if email password user does not exist - cause password reset tokens may exists for a primary account.

Relation to all_auth_recipe_users table

rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

Change required to session and functions that take userID

The session object's getUserId function will return the primary user ID function. There will be an additional function called getRecipeUserId which will return the recipe user ID of used for the current method of login.

All functions that currently take a userID (that need a recipe userID) should check if the input userID is a primary user id or not. If it is a primary user ID, it would thrown an error asking the user to give a recipe user ID. Reason: The recipeUserId will be equal to the primaryUserId

In case an account is not linked, the primary user ID would be equal to the recipe user ID, so these functions would all still work.

EDIT: OLD -> see next next section in this comment The way this will be stored in the session is that the userId field in it will have <recipe user id>|<primary user id>. The delimiter will be used to separate out the two user IDs. When we try to split based on the delimiter, we should be careful to only consider the last element of the array as the recipe user ID. If the size of the array is more than 2, then we should join back everything except for the last element with a |. This is because we we will allow users to pass their own primary user ID.

If the primary user id === recipe user ID <--> the userId will just be that ID and nothing else.

When making a JWT, we will always just use the primary userID for it (just like it's happening now anyway).

EDIT: (this is what we decided to do):

rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

Change to verify email function interface

During email verification, we want to upgrade the user's session in the following case:

~Right now, these recipe functions take the email / token directly. Just having this, there is no way to create a new session with the new userID. So instead, we should also make them taken an optional session object which it can use to upgrade the session if needed. The reason it is optional is because if the user is calling these function offline, they won't have the session object.~ -> The session change happens in the API level and not recipe function level.

Change to refreshing flow

Nothing changes here because when we link accounts, we revoke all sessions belonging to the recipeUser, if the recipe user id != primary user ID. In this case, a session refresh with those sessions will automatically log out the user

Change to session container

~We now also need to be able to create a new session from an existing session. This requires that we get access to all the info that is required to create a new session from an existing session container object. In some cases, this is already there, but in some frameworks (like in python), we do not store all the info - for example, the request object is not stored in the session container.~

~the above point makes no sense.. what was that about? -> for functions like refresh session, if primary user id has changed, we still have access to the request object. But for functions like email verification, we may not have the request object in python sdk which would be required to create a new session once the email is verified. This is what the above comment meant.~

~In both the cases above, we want to create a new session as opposed to modify the userID of the older session cause modifying the userID of the older session will immediately invalidate the refresh token stored on the frontend. And if the new refresh token doesn't reach the frontend (cause maybe of some network failure), then the user will be logged out on refresh.~

The creation of the new session happens in the API, so it may work:

rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

Affect on delete user

The existing function in supertokens backend SDK would be good enough for this. If that function is given a primary user ID, it would delete all the linked accounts and the primary account (all in one transaction)

If the input is a recipe user ID, then it would only delete that account and remove it from linked accounts. If that is the only account in the linked accounts, then we delete the primary user ID as well

We should explicitly also delete password reset tokens for given userId because it may have password reset tokens for the primary account if emailpassword account didn't existed when creating the token. Incase we are only deleting recipeUserId then we will delete password reset token only if the recipe is email password

rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

Additional functions created

// if isPrimaryUser object is false, loginMethods will always contain
// one item in the array which would corresponds to the recipe user
type User = {
    id: string; // primaryUserId or recipeUserId
    timeJoined: number; // minimum timeJoined value from linkedRecipes
    isPrimaryUser: boolean; //  something that we use and the user should not really care about
    emails: string[],
    phoneNumbers: string[],
    loginMethods: {
        recipeId: string,
        recipeUserId: string,
        timeJoined: number,
        verified: boolean,
        email?: string,
        phoneNumber?: string,
        thirdParty?: {
            id: string;
            userId: string;

type RecipeLevelUser = {
   id: "", // this will always be the recipe user ID
   timeJoined: ...,
   primaryUserId?: "",
   ... // email or phone number or thirdPartyInfo

type AccountInfo = {
    email: string
} | {
    thirdpartyId: string,
    thirdpartyUserId: string
} | {
    phoneNumber: string

type AccountInfoWithAuthType = {
    authType: "emailpassword" | "passwordless",
    email: string
} | {
    authType: "thirdparty",
    thirdpartyId: string,
    thirdpartyUserId: string
} | {
    authType: "passwordless",
    phoneNumber: string

// this is there cause we use this in the shouldDoAccountLinking callback and that
// function takes in an input user. In case of thirdparty, if the input user doesn't have email,
// it will be strange for the developer, so we add an email to the "thirdparty" type as well. 
type AccountInfoAndEmailWithAuthType = {
    authType: "emailpassword" | "passwordless",
    email: string
} | {
    authType: "thirdparty",
    thirdpartyId: string,
    thirdpartyUserId: string,
    email: string
} | {
    authType: "passwordless",
    phoneNumber: string

SuperTokens.getUser(userId: string) => User | undefined // userId can be primary or recipe
SuperTokens.listUsersByAccountInfo(info: AccountInfo) => User[] | undefined
SuperTokens.getUserByAccountInfo(info: AccountInfoWithAuthType) => User | undefined

- Both recipeUserId and primaryUserId must exist.
- recipeUserId should not be linked to any other account.
AccountLinking.linkAccounts(recipeUserId: string, primaryUserId: string) => Promise<{status: "OK", user: User} | {status: "ACCOUNTS_CANNOT_BE_LINKED_ERROR", reason: string}>

- If recipeUserId is equal to it's primary user ID, we should delete the recipe user ID.
AccountLinking.unlinkAccount(recipeUserId: string) => Promise<{status: "OK" | "PRIMARY_USER_ID_NOT_FOUND_ERROR"}>

- Creates a new primary user ID for the input ID such that the primary user ID === recipe user ID
- Input recipe user ID must not be associated with any primary ID already.
AccountLinking.createPrimaryUser(recipeUserId: string) => Promise<{status: "OK", user: User} | {status: "PRIMARY_USER_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR", reason: string}>

AccountLinking.canLinkAccounts(recipeUserId: string, primaryUserId: string) => Promise<{canLink: false, reason: string} | { canLink: true }>
rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

Post sign up / in callback (Ignore this comment)

Even if there is a recipe level sign up, it may not mean that post email verification, their user ID might change (as is in the case of email password login). We want the dev to run their post sign in / up logic only after account linking has been fully finished.

This calls for different post sign up callback. We want these to be used even if account linking is disabled. Something like:

   callbacks: {
      postSignUp: (user, session, formFields, userContext) => Promise<void>,
      postSignIn: (user, session, userContext) => Promise<void>,

   callbacks: {
      postSignUp: (user, session, authCodeResponse, userContext) => Promise<void>,
      postSignIn: (user, session, authCodeResponse, userContext) => Promise<void>

   callbacks: {   
      postSignUp: (user, session, preAuthSessionId, userContext) => Promise<void>,
      postSignIn: (user, session, preAuthSessionId, userContext) => Promise<void>

   callbacks: {
      postEmailPasswordSignUp: (user, session, formFields, userContext) => Promise<void>,
      postEmailPasswordSignIn: (user, session, userContext) => Promise<void>,
      postThirdPartySignUp: (user, session, authCodeResponse, userContext) => Promise<void>,
      postThirdPartySignIn: (user, session, authCodeResponse, userContext) => Promise<void>

   callbacks: {
      postPasswordlessSignUp: (user, session, preAuthSessionId, userContext) => Promise<void>,
      postPasswordlessSignIn: (user, session, preAuthSessionId, userContext) => Promise<void>
      postThirdPartySignUp: (user, session, authCodeResponse, userContext) => Promise<void>,
      postThirdPartySignIn: (user, session, authCodeResponse, userContext) => Promise<void>
rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

Enabling / disabling automatic account linking

By default, we want to keep it disabled (due to the complexity it presents). However, we allow users to enable it on a per recipe level that allows them to configure if an account should be linked to another or not. This would give the flexibility to the user to enable / disable account linking on a per user basis. Accounts that were linked in the past will remain linked even after the user has disabled automatic account linking.

The function on a per recipe level can look like this:

   shouldDoAccountLinking: (newAccountInfo: AccountInfoAndEmailWithAuthType, primaryUser: User | undefined, session: SessionContainer | undefined, userContext: any) => Promise<{shouldAutomaticallyLink: false} | {shouldAutomaticallyLink: true, shouldRequireVerification?: boolean = true}>

Note that this function only governs if automatic account linking should happen or not. If this function returns false and the user does manual account linking, the account linking will succeed.

rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

Fetching info about user from non auth recipes

~Ideally, there should be no extra info associated with the recipe user ID, and all info should be associated with the primary user ID. So I think we can not do anything special in here.~

We have added an extra primaryUserId in the user object type of the recipe level functions.

Tying into session claims

Since the order of the failure of the claims depends on the order in which the user gives the claims, if email verification is not first always, then it may cause a situation where other claims fail even if they are not supposed to, just cause the user ID of this user is not yet the primary user ID.

In order to solve this, we can reorder the claims to always have email verification first.

rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

Affect on user pagination and count functions

The all_auth_recipe_users now contains users that are recipe user IDs (non linked) and primary user IDs.

So the return type of the pagination functions change to:

    users: User[];
    nextPaginationToken?: string;

SQL Queries (For pagination and count)

rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

Known issues:

rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

Change to reset password flow

If attacker signs up with social provider with email a (which they have access to), and then creates another email password account with email a (and verifies it) that is linked. Then they change their email to email b (unverified). Then the real user who owns email b tries to sign up with email password (email b), it will tell them that the email already exists. In this case, if they go through the reset password flow and finish that, then they can login, and verify their email. In this case, the attacker will now be linked to the account in which b is verified.

This has now been accounted for in our flows

rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

New emails

On account linking, we should send an email to the user saying that they just logged in via XYZ, and if it wasn't them, then they should contact support for help or visit . In that URL, we should tell the dev to give the option of unlinking accounts.

Decided: We can do this at a later time. For now, it's not needed

rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

Additional considerations:

rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

If the account to be linked has existing non auth recipe info (like in metadata), that info is kept as is and nothing is done with it. We don't even check if such info exists since 99% of the time, no info will exist anyway.

bhumilsarvaiya commented 2 years ago

What if the user is calling isEmailVerified with a primaryUserId and email (which belongs to non primary account)? This will return false even if the email is verified (cause the entry wont exist in the email verification db). This can happen if the user makes the mistake of passing primaryUserId instead of recipeUserId. Should we account for this?

We should just ignore this kind of mistake for now.

bhumilsarvaiya commented 2 years ago

Account linked callback:

onAccountLinked(primaryUser: User, newAccountInfo: RecipeLevelUser & {recipeId: "..."}) => Promise<void>

   recipeList: [

This is called whenever our SDK calls SuperTokens.linkAccounts(...) and that returns success and an account has actually been linked (vs just a primary user ID has been created). This function is called by our SDK in:

Account unlinking callback:

onAccountUnlinked(primaryUser: User, unlinkedAccount: RecipeLevelUser & {recipeId: "..."}) => Promise<void>

This is called in the unlinkAccounts function

bhumilsarvaiya commented 2 years ago

Table structure changes

Table structure for primary_user_to_recipe_user

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS primary_user_to_recipe_user(
    primary_user_id CHAR(128),
    recipe_user_id CHAR(128) NOT NULL,
    recipe_id VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
    time_joined BIGINT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (recipe_user_id)

CREATE INDEX primary_user_to_recipe_user_primary_user_index ON primary_user_to_recipe_user(primary_user_id, time_joined);
bhumilsarvaiya commented 2 years ago

To Discuss

rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

Discussion notes

~Why is soft linking done?~ ~- In email password (or anything that yields and unverified email) sign up, we want to save the linked status there and not during email verification because we want to prevent sign ups using other methods with the same email whilst this account is unverified and is a candidate for being linked.~ ~- TODO: Why else? Do we even require this, especially if we go with option 2 in the above point.~ We no longer have this concept of soft linking

What to implement

On sign up without user explicit consent: -> automatic (not doing now, but just architecting for it)

By user on post sign up (link github to my existing account) -> user driven manual

By developer using linkAccount themselves: -> developer driven manual

Account deduplication -> Preventing account duplication (i.e. if email ID with another recipe already exists, prevent signup with same email ID with another recipe or prompt the user to try signing up with original recipe method) - similar to what atlasian does.

rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

Changes to API interface and recipe interface

rishabhpoddar commented 2 years ago

createdNewUser boolean

~This should be true if (account linking enabled && new primary user created) || (account linking disabled && sign up called).~

~This implies that even if the account is not fully linked yet (as is the case with emailpassword recipe on sign up), we still set createdNewUser boolean to false.~

We can introduce a new boolean like createdNewRecipeUser:

bhumilsarvaiya commented 1 year ago

Core API changes:


-> For the APIs that returns recipeUserId, it should default to the userId

API: /recipe/signup
Recipe: emailpassword
    - the returned user object will have the same structure as the global user.

API: /recipe/user
Recipe: core
    - the returned user object will have the same structure as the global user.
    - we will also remove recipe level /recipe/user GET APIs

API: /recipe/user
Recipe: emailpassword
    - the input userId must be a recipeUserId pointing to an email password recipe - else return UNKNOWN_USER_ID_ERROR
    - the logic might need to account for not allowing user to change the associated email if another primary user has the same email.

API: /recipe/signin
Recipe: emailpassword
    - the returned user object will have the same structure as the global user.

API: /recipe/user/password/reset/token
Recipe: emailpassword
    - the input userId should be either recipeUserId or primaryUserId. If primaryUserId has only one associated recipe user, do password reset for that. Else throw 400 error
    - TODO -> What are the list of changes here?

API: /recipe/user/password/reset
Recipe: emailpassword
    - This API will just go away, and be replaced with /recipe/user/password/reset/token/consume (see below)

API: /recipe/user/passwordhash/import
Recipe: emailpassword
    - the returned user object will have the same structure as the global user.

API: /recipe/signinup
Recipe: thirdparty
    - the returned user object will have the same structure as the global user.
    - If the input thirdPartyInfo is associated with an existing primary user, and the input email is also associated with another primary user, then we return {status: `SIGN_IN_NOT_ALLOWED`, description: "..."}`

API: /recipe/session
    - recipeUserId in input
    - accessToken payload should contain recipeUserId

API: /recipe/session
    - accessToken payload should contain recipeUserId

API: /recipe/session/verify
    - recipeUserId in returned session object
    - accessToken payload should contain recipeUserId

API: /recipe/session/refresh
    - recipeUserId in returned session object
    - accessToken payload should contain recipeUserId
    - During token theft detection error, the session object should also have recipeUserId

API: /recipe/session/user
    - input userId can be either primaryUserId or recipeUserId

API: /recipe/session/regenerate
    - recipeUserId in returned session object

API: /users
    - user object is changed. check account linking PR

API: /user/remove
    - input userId can be either primaryUserId or recipeUserId
    - new input boolean removeAllLinkedAccounts

API: /recipe/user/email/verify/token
    - input userId must be either a recipeUserId
route: /recipe/accountlinking/users
method: get
query: {
    primaryUserIds: string[]
} | {
    recipeUserIds: string[]
response: {
    status: OK,
    userIdMapping: {
        [recipeUserId: string]: string | null
} | {
    status: OK,
    userIdMapping: {
        [primaryUserId: string]: string[]
    - if primaryUserIds is passed, the keys in userIdMapping will be primaryUserIds
    - if recipeUserIds is passed, the keys in userIdMapping will be recipeUserIds
    - if recipeUserIds is passed and there is no primaryUserId found for any recipeUserId, the value for that recipeUserId in userIdMapping would be null
    - if recipeUserIds is passed, for any recipeUserId that doesn't really exists, the recipeUserId will not be present in the userIdMapping
    - if primaryUserIds is passed and there is no recipeUserId found for any primaryUserId, the value for that primaryUserId in userIdMapping would be an empty array
    - if primaryUserIds is passed, for any primaryUserId that doesn't really exists, the primaryUserId will not be present in the userIdMapping


route: /recipe/accountlinking/user
method: put
body: {
    recipeUserId: string
    recipeId: string
    timeJoined: number
response: {
    status: ok
    createdNewEntry: boolean
    - insert into a new table which used to account linking purpose
    - if the recipeUserId already exists in the table, createdNewEntry will be false, else true


route: /users
method: get
    - type of user object returned


route: /recipe/accountlinking/user/primary
method: post
body: {
response:  {
    status: "OK";
    user: User;
} | {
    primaryUserId: string;
    description: string;
    - for a given recipeUserId, create a new primaryUserId (primaryUserId will be equal to recipeUserId)
    - if primaryUserId is not created due to any reason, return the recipeUser


route: /recipe/accountlinking/user/link
method: post
body: {
    recipeUserId: string;
    primaryUserId: string
response:  {
    status: "OK" | string;
    - for a given recipeUserId and primaryUserId, update the row in new account linking table (add primaryUserId for recipeUserId)
    - if recipeUserId | primaryUserId doesn't exist or the linking was not done, return a string status stating what went wrong


route: /recipe/accountlinking/user/unlink
method: post
body: {
    recipeUserId: string;
    primaryUserId: string;
response:  {
    status: "OK"
    - for a given recipeUserId and primaryUserId, update the row in new account linking table (remove primaryUserId for recipeUserId)
    - if recipeUserId | primaryUserId doesn't exist or the unlinking was not done, return a string status stating what went wrong


route: /recipe/accountlinking/user
method: get
query: {
    userId: string
response: {
    status: "OK,
    user: User
    - fetch user object for given userId
    - userId can be primaryUserId or recipeuserId. First treat it as primaryUserId. if no user is found, treat it as recipeUserId

route: /users/accountinfo
method: get
query: {
    recipeId?: "emailpassword" | "passwordless";
    email: string;
} | {
    recipeId?: "thirdparty";
    thirdpartyId: string;
    thirdpartyUserId: string;
} | {
    recipeId?: "passwordless";
    phoneNumber: string;
response: {
    status: "OK,
    users: User[]
    - fetch user object for given info. If recipeId is passed, on get account for that recipeId

route: /user/remove
method: post
    - if the recipe user is the only acount linked to a specific primaryUserId, remove all data related to the primaryUserId

route: /recipe/accountlinking/user/linked_or_linkable
method: get
query: {
    userId: string // recipeUserId
response: {
    status: "OK,
    user?: User
    - for input recipeUserId, get primary user which is linked to the recipeUserId or which is supposed to be linked to recipeUserId or can be linked (because of the identifying info associated with the recipeUserId)
    - if no primaryUser found, return user will be undefined

route: /recipe/user/password/reset/token/consume
method: post
body: {
    token: string
response: {
   status: "OK";
   userId: string;
   email: string;
    - this will only consume the token in the core and not change the password
bhumilsarvaiya commented 1 year ago

Functions name change discussion (node SDK)

function name 1:

nkshah2 commented 1 year ago

List of TODO (ignore this checklist and see the one at the top of this issue)

These are the list of TODOs that came out of initial implementation discussions (original notes can be found here:

Points to note

Discussion points

Node SDK

Core changes

LukasKnuth commented 1 year ago

What is the status on this feature and when can we expect this to ship?

rishabhpoddar commented 1 year ago

It's being actively worked on - but as you can see, the first comment on this PR, the checklist is HUGE. So it may take a while unfortunately. In the timeline of a few months i'd say.

hiteshjoshi commented 1 year ago

Hello, how far are we with account linking?

rishabhpoddar commented 1 year ago

Will be released for node SDK in the coming week

rishabhpoddar commented 10 months ago

About creation of primary user and account linking during sign in

Consider the following situation:

Now the github account will become the primary user and the google one will be linked to it. This will cause a change in the user ID from u1 to u2 which might cause loss of data.

To prevent this, users can:

An alternative would be that instead of making the github user the primary one, we make the google one the primary one. This however, is assuming that the first account was the one in which the user has the most data. What if the following happens?

In this case, if we make google the primary user, then there will also be data loss since github is the actual preferred method of the user.