supertokens / supertokens-node

Node SDK for SuperTokens core
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Sharing cookies between multiple subdomains on localhost #548

Open aarepuu opened 1 year ago

aarepuu commented 1 year ago

What is the issue: Hello. I'm trying to test sharing cookies between multiple subdomains on my local machine with a self hosted Supertokens instance following the guides in documentation (share-sessions-across-sub-domains and multiple-api-endpoints), but I'm not able to achieve the desired outcome.

I have an auth UI (a Vue.js app) exposed on http://localhost:3030 and an application UI (also a Vue.js app) exposed on http://localhost:3010. The application UI also supports subdomains, for example http://demo.localhost:3010. Then I have a auth API (a Nest.js app) set up for supertokens auth exposed on http://localhost:3001.

It is working as expected if I log in via the auth UI and then use the application UI on http://localhost:3010. However if I use the application UI on a subdomain, e.g. http://demo.localhost:3010 whilst already been logged in via the auth UI I am getting back doesSessionExist: access token does not exist locally from the auth API.

Also looking at the Cookies on dev console for http://demo.localhost:3010 the st-last-access-token-update cookie the domain is demo.localhost and for http://localhost:3010 the domain is localhost.

I'm wondering if my Supertoken configuration is not correct or whether it's not possible to test this on localhost without changing the /etc/hosts file and/or redirecting ports (or using a some sort of reverse-proxy setup), or I have missed something obvious?

How does my configurations look like: Both frontend applications Supertokens init are as follows:

  appInfo: {
    appName: 'Example APP',
    apiDomain: 'http://localhost:3001',
    apiBasePath: '/auth'
  recipeList: [
    /* other recipes */
      sessionTokenBackendDomain: '.localhost',
      sessionTokenFrontendDomain: '.localhost'

The backend auth API Supertokens init is as follows:

      appInfo: 'Example API',
      supertokens: {
        connectionURI: 'http://localhost:3567',
        apiKey: 'super-secret-api-key',
      recipeList: [
       /* other recipes */
          cookieDomain: '.localhost',

Anything else useful?: Environment:

rishabhpoddar commented 1 year ago

The config seems fine. I think the issue is that you are trying to do this on .localhost. You may want to try the method of modifying the /etc/hosts file.