supertokens / supertokens-node

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Hello, I wanted to create a custom login to paypal #734

Closed marcin86mak closed 8 months ago

marcin86mak commented 8 months ago

The problem is logging client_id and client_secret in PayPal. This process is done by Heders curl -v -X POST "" -u "CLIENT_ID:CLIENT_SECRET"

Note: Encode CLIENT_ID:CLIENT_SECRET in Base64 before sending it in the API call.

What is needed is access to the Request Headers: tokenEndpointBodyParams => OK tokenEndpointHeaders -> None, please add it, it will solve the problem it describes.

Thank you in advance. And I'm looking forward to seeing this fix implemented as soon as possible. Best regards, Marcin....

marcin86mak commented 8 months ago

You can also create the entire configuration for PayPal

{ // return (bool) $this->isSandbox ? '' : ''; // return (bool) $this->isSandbox ? '' : ''; config: { thirdPartyId: "paypal", clients: [ { clientType: "web-and-android", clientId: "xxxx", clientSecret: "xxxx", }, ], authorizationEndpoint: "", authorizationEndpointQueryParams: {}, tokenEndpoint: "", tokenEndpointBodyParams:{}, userInfoEndpoint: "", userInfoMap: { fromUserInfoAPI: { userId: "user_id", email: "email", emailVerified: "email_verified", } } }, },

sattvikc commented 8 months ago

Please try the following snippet for login with paypal:

    config: {
        thirdPartyId: "paypal",
        name: "Paypal",
        clients: [
                clientId: "...",
                clientSecret: "...",
                scope: ["openid", "email"]
        authorizationEndpoint: "",
        tokenEndpoint: "",
        userInfoEndpoint: "",
        userInfoMap: {
            fromUserInfoAPI: {
                userId: "user_id"
    override: (oI) => {
        oI.exchangeAuthCodeForOAuthTokens = async (input) => {
            const clientId = oI.config.clientId;
            const clientSecret = oI.config.clientSecret;
            const basicAuthToken = Buffer.from(
            const paypalOauthParams = {
                grant_type: "authorization_code",
                code: input.redirectURIInfo.redirectURIQueryParams.code,
            const querystring = require('querystring');
            const formData = querystring.stringify(paypalOauthParams);
            const headers = {
                'Authorization': `Basic ${basicAuthToken}`,
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

            const resp = await!, formData, { headers });

        return oI;