supertriodo / Arena-Tracker

Arena Tracker is a deck tracker that gives you a lot of extra info while playing Hearthstone.
GNU General Public License v2.0
279 stars 33 forks source link

Screen grabbing doesn't work in Wayland #129

Open justinkb opened 3 years ago

justinkb commented 3 years ago

Likely needs a desktop environment-specific implementation, in Gnome Shell you should call a Screenshot dbus method on /org/gnome/Shell/Screenshot with boolean,boolean,string parameters. On KDE you should look at this

I'll try to implement the Gnome thing, since that's what I use.

supertriodo commented 3 years ago

I'll check how QT adapt to it.

fox091 commented 1 month ago

I'm running into this as well both with the native Linux build of Arena Tracker and using wine to run the Windows build.

For reference, here's my relevant system info:

OS: Arch Linux x86_64
Kernel: 6.8.9-zen1-2-zen
DE: Hyprland
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X (16) @ 3.800GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
Memory: 8387MiB / 15930MiB

I'm not super familiar with how the card recognition works, but I'm curious if some generic Wayland-compatible tool would work, such as grim.

Are there plans to support Wayland going forward? If not, I might try to hack something together locally to get it working.

fox091 commented 1 month ago

I just ran it from the command line and got the following logs. Thought they might be helpful.

Utility: Bad screen for opencv flan.
Utility: Bad screen for opencv flan.
14:42:36 - DraftHandler: Hearthstone arena screen not found. Retrying...