Open supertuxkart-sourceforge-migration opened 10 years ago
Author: hikerstk Postponed till later, since it seems to be very hard to reproduce.
Author: deveee It's really hard to reproduce without changing garage action. I was able to reproduce it, but it is very little probable. For this reason it's not really needed in 0.8.1.
I suppose that this bug occurs, because closing overworld is scheduled, and then it starts before it's really closed. Or something similar.
Author: torbenc I tried to reproduce this without changing the source code (because changing the source isn't something the user is going to do) and could not get it to happen, even while constantly holding escape (with enough momentum built up to slide into the garage).
It is my opinion that this bug be removed, as even with a solid attempt to reproduce this bug (properly, not code hacking it into the game) done by two people it was not reproducible.
Can we get Auria's thoughts on this?
Author: deveee If you don't change the source code, you should press "Escape" at the moment (actually just after) when you click "Select kart" in popup menu.
It's very hard to reproduce if you won't change garage action or run it under debugger. And IMO it's not really important because of that.
I wanted to fix it before I fixed #1086 - previously I thought about changing default garage action :-P
Author: deveee
Little hard to reproduce. When you enter to garage in overworld and very quickly press escape (before kart selection screen is displayed), it causes crash.
It's easier to reproduce when you change action in track_object_presentation.cpp. There are lines: if (m_action == "garage") { new RacePausedDialog(0.8f, 0.6f); //dynamic_cast<OverWorld*>(World::getWorld())->scheduleSelectKart(); } When you will change action to scheduleSelectKart, then you can run to garage with constantly escape pressed and it most probably will cause crash.
Backtrace in attachment.