supertuxkart / stk-code

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A disclaimer for the universe #1385

Open MatthewsSam opened 10 years ago

MatthewsSam commented 10 years ago

Since we are making a fictional universe for all new official tracks. I think it's important to add a disclaimer.

The only purpose of stk is to entertain. IMHO we should add a text like:

All characters, companies, etc appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. 

Of course in stk it's not character but fictional countries, companies, different location.

(there is more information here

hiker commented 10 years ago

We should first figure out if we need this kind of disclaimer.

If so, we need to figure out where to display it, and find out what conditions we have to fulfill:

konstin commented 10 years ago

Or we could show it the first time the user enters the story mode, because this is the place where the most similiarity could be. But to be honest, I don't like the idea because it looks more professional and much cooler if you start with a cutscene. As far as I know, the most big-budget-games don't show a disclaimer in any landing page, so I think it's sufficient to add a notice in the about page just below the first text box. Btw: Change "Version SVN" to Version git"

MatthewsSam commented 10 years ago


Usually games show the name of the studio on a black background and then a PRESENTS and the cutscene.

These disclaimer are displayed typically during loading time. Since our loadings are fast, we can display it after the message about network connection and wait let's say 5 sec (enough time to read it), during the first startup.

Arthur-D commented 10 years ago

I'd put it at the beginning of credits, so people can find it but it's not "in your face" so to speak - a disclaimer like this should usually not be necessary for open source projects (I have seen none I can remember in other F/OSS games). Who would they sue anyway. ;) And people assuming things can't be helped; having one we can point to in the credits would be fine though.