supertuxkart / stk-code

The code base of supertuxkart
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Segmentation fault when STK connects to the internet? #2116

Closed GreenLunar closed 9 years ago

GreenLunar commented 9 years ago

This crash occurs when I go to the new Internet dialog.

EDIT: This crash occurs no matter what I do.

$ supertuxkart
[verbose  ] main: Error messages and other text output will be logged to /home/HOSTNAME/.config/supertuxkart/0.8.2/stdout.log.
[info   ] [FileManager]: Data files will be fetched from: '/usr/share/supertuxkart/data/'
[info   ] [FileManager]: User directory is '/home/HOSTNAME/.config/supertuxkart/0.8.2/'.
[info   ] [FileManager]: Addons files will be stored in '/home/HOSTNAME/.local/share/supertuxkart/addons/'.
[info   ] [FileManager]: Screenshots will be stored in '/home/HOSTNAME/.cache/supertuxkart/screenshots/'.
[info   ] [FileManager]: User-defined grand prix will be stored in '/home/HOSTNAME/.local/share/supertuxkart/grandprix/'.
[info   ] [FileManager]: Asset 0 will be loaded from '/usr/share/supertuxkart/data/challenges/'.
[info   ] [FileManager]: Asset 1 will be loaded from '/usr/share/supertuxkart/data/fonts/'.
[info   ] [FileManager]: Asset 2 will be loaded from '/usr/share/supertuxkart/data/gfx/'.
[info   ] [FileManager]: Asset 3 will be loaded from '/usr/share/supertuxkart/data/grandprix/'.
[info   ] [FileManager]: Asset 4 will be loaded from '/usr/share/supertuxkart/data/gui/'.
[info   ] [FileManager]: Asset 5 will be loaded from '/usr/share/supertuxkart/data/library/'.
[info   ] [FileManager]: Asset 6 will be loaded from '/usr/share/supertuxkart/data/models/'.
[info   ] [FileManager]: Asset 7 will be loaded from '/usr/share/supertuxkart/data/music/'.
[info   ] [FileManager]: Asset 8 will be loaded from '/usr/share/supertuxkart/data/tracks/'.
[info   ] [FileManager]: Asset 9 will be loaded from '/usr/share/supertuxkart/data/sfx/'.
[info   ] [FileManager]: Asset 10 will be loaded from '/usr/share/supertuxkart/data/shaders/'.
[info   ] [FileManager]: Asset 11 will be loaded from '/usr/share/supertuxkart/data/skins/'.
[info   ] [FileManager]: Asset 12 will be loaded from '/usr/share/supertuxkart/data/textures/'.
[info   ] [FileManager]: Asset 13 will be loaded from '/usr/share/supertuxkart/data/po/'.
[verbose  ] translation: Env var LANGUAGE = 'he_IL.UTF-8'.
[verbose  ] translation: Language 'Hebrew (Israel)'.
Adding language fallback he
Irrlicht Engine version 1.8.0
Linux 3.10.17-smp #2 SMP Wed Oct 23 17:13:14 CDT 2013 i686
[warn   ] [IrrDriver Temp Logger]: Level 2: X Error: GLXBadFBConfig

[warn   ] [IrrDriver Temp Logger]: Level 2: From call : unknown

[warn   ] [IrrDriver Temp Logger]: Level 2: X Error: GLXBadFBConfig

[warn   ] [IrrDriver Temp Logger]: Level 2: From call : unknown

[warn   ] [IrrDriver Temp Logger]: Level 2: X Error: GLXBadFBConfig

[warn   ] [IrrDriver Temp Logger]: Level 2: From call : unknown

[info   ] IrrDriver: OpenGL version: 2.1
[info   ] IrrDriver: OpenGL vendor: X.Org
[info   ] IrrDriver: OpenGL renderer: Gallium 0.4 on AMD RV630
[info   ] IrrDriver: OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 9.1.7
[info   ] GLDriver: ARB Base Instance Present
[info   ] GLDriver: ARB Texture Storage Present
[info   ] GLDriver: ARB Uniform Buffer Object Present
[warn   ] irr_driver: Using the fixed pipeline (old GPU, or shaders disabled in options)
[info   ] GUIEngine: scale: 0.050000
[info   ] HTTPRequest: Sending userid=2254&token=************************ to
[info   ] HTTPRequest: Downloading
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Alpine-2' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Art_Museum' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_City_lights' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Classic_Race' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Classic_Volcano' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Coyote_Canyon' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Easy-Drive' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Faster_than_myself' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Hillside' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Jungle_2' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Kingdom_of_Fire' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] track: Music information file '' not found for track 'Lost Speedway' - ignored.

[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Lost_Speedway' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Minecraft' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Mystery_Island' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] track: Music information file 'ChillCarrier-Druckverlust.musi' not found for track 'NIght by the Sea' - ignored.

[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_NIght_by_the_Sea' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Old_England3' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_On_an_Iceber' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Paradise_Peaks' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Peaceful_Park' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Quick_Race' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Racetrack' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Scary_Swamp' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Secret_Garden' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Skyline' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 3, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Subterranean_cave' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_SuperTux_Canyon' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] track: Music information file '' not found for track 'The Old Island' - ignored.

[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_The_Old_Island' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_The_Parking' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_The_Rock' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] track: Music information file '' not found for track 'Traditional Shifting Sands' - ignored.

[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Traditional_Shifting_Sands' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Tux_Racer' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Tux_Tollway' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 3, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_Valley_House' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_What_a_mesh' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] track: Music information file '' not found for track 'Hacienda [edit]' - ignored.

[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_hacienda--edit-' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_industry' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_magic-cross' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_magic_cross' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[warn   ] TrackManager: Track 'addon_mountain-village' is not supported by this binary, ignored. (Track is version 5, this executable supports from 6 to 6).
[info   ] addons: Using cached addons.xml.
[info   ] GrandPrixManager: Loading Grand Prix files from /usr/share/supertuxkart/data/grandprix/
[info   ] GrandPrixManager: Loading Grand Prix files from /home/HOSTNAME/.local/share/supertuxkart/grandprix/
[info   ] ClientNetworkManager: Host initialized.
[info   ] ClientNetworkManager: Ready !
[warn   ] OpenGL: Driver is too old!
[info   ] Achievements: Synching achievement 2,4,5,6,7,8,9 to server.
[info   ] HTTPRequest: Sending userid=2254&token=************************&achievementid=2%2C4%2C5%2C6%2C7%2C8%2C9 to
[info   ] HTTPRequest: Sending userid=2254&token=************************&visitingid=2254 to
[info   ] HTTPRequest: Sending userid=2254&token=************************ to
[info   ] HTTPRequest: Sending userid=2254&token=************************&search-string=hiker to
Segmentation fault
deveee commented 9 years ago

If you could compile it in debug mode and attach backtrace from debugger, it would be great. Otherwise it's hard to say what is the reason of this crash.

Could you also check which version of libcurl library do you use? We require at least 7.32.0 (older version can be probably used, but it needs to be compiled with some additional flags). You can check if you can reproduce it with our official build:

deveee commented 9 years ago

Actually we can check in cmake file if libcurl is >= 7.32.0

cap44 commented 9 years ago

Issue doesn't appear in the current master on my end, running openSUSE 13.2 64 bit, cURL 7.42

GreenLunar commented 9 years ago

STK did not crash at startup, in recent times.

libcurl was (and is) 7.36.0

$ slapt-get --search curl
curl-7.31.0-i486-1 [inst=no]: curl (command line URL data transfer tool)
curl-7.36.0-i486-1_slack14.1 [inst=yes]: curl (command line URL data transfer tool)