Closed Wuzzy2 closed 2 years ago
it falls like a puck but still rolls when you shoot it (confirmed by stk fans)
it falls like a puck because it is thrown from 0.0 7.0 0.0
(more fair) instead of -0.47 7.00 0.55
seems that archlinux package has some problem, try use the official stk-code linux build for now
yes flathub package works too so maybe some problem when arch is building supertuxkart, physically it behaves the same, you can experience that by joining stk server with 1.4 arch binary
maybe the use of -O3 (cmake_build_type=release) matters... difficult to track, don't have much time to bother it or wait @isjerryxiao (archlinux user too) to find out why
for the record even i compile stk with -O3 it behaves normally with gcc 12.2
Yes, I got the package from Arch Linux (supertuxkart 1.4-1
). Sorry, forgot to mention.
To be clear: I fail to get the ball rolling at all, no matter if I bump into it with the kart, shoot it with a bowling ball, shoot it against a wall, etc. Sadly, I can't compile STK right now. Let's see if other users can confirm this.
i try to makepkg -si
the official supertuxkart pkgbuild and the ball rolls too, so maybe the official archlinux buildbot has compiler problem
They seem to have a 1.4-2 (for openssl3) staging you can see if it works later
seems like -flto=auto is the problem, if you build 1.3 package with a chroot environment it fails too (works in 'real' arch linux)
@isjerryxiao can comment more (or can paraphrase based on reading coded message in telegram )
@felixonmars seems that (gcc 12.2) lto doesn't know how to optimize hpr.toIrrVector()*RAD_TO_DEGREE
properly, 0c2b81a fixed the issue
I would also recommend update archlinux pkgbuild deps as they are very outdated:
depends=('openal' 'libvorbis' 'freetype2' 'harfbuzz' 'curl' 'bluez-libs'
'sqlite' 'libjpeg-turbo' 'libpng' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'sdl2' 'shaderc')
makedepends=('cmake' 'setconf' 'ninja')
build() {
cd "$srcdir"/SuperTuxKart-${pkgver}-src
curl | patch -p1
Tested in chroot environment and fixed the ball issue
Bugfix confirmed. :+1:
In Soccer, the soccer ball doesn't roll. It slides over the ground, but doesn't roll.
This is a regression, as the soccer ball did roll in version 1.3.
Steps to reproduce