supertuxkart / stk-code

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Make checklines taller by default and allow custom-height checklines #5062

Open Alayan-stk-2 opened 3 weeks ago

Alayan-stk-2 commented 3 weeks ago

In many tracks with checkline issues, the root cause is that the kart can have the possibility to "jump over" (following a collision usually) or "drive under" a checkline (if there is a slope nearby, for example in Black Forest).

This can be resolved by track designers using multiple checklines of the same group positioned at different heights to make sure a kart can't accidentally go around the checkline, however this is a very inelegant solution.

Taller checklines by default would help in most situations.

However, the option to explicitly increase or decrease the height of a specific checkline would be useful for track creators in some situations and should also be added.

qwertychouskie commented 3 weeks ago

I think the cleanest option would be to have checkobjects, so you have have whatever geometry (1 quad, multiple quads/triangles, etc) is needed to properly cover the checkpoint area.

kimden commented 3 weeks ago

I agree with both, but if only checklines are supported, that would probably be alright too, just some tracks need custom directions of checklines which I guess is not supported now.

I'd say the same should apply to goal lines. They are currently infinitely high, which has the issue that on arenas with multiple layers the ball can score in unexpected places, which must be blocked.