superyuuki / yuukomponent

component framework for block game
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Concurrent everything, Make components non-nodestyle #20

Open superyuuki opened 2 years ago

superyuuki commented 2 years ago

Components being nodestyle doesn't really have any benefits right now especially with how slots work, also considering moving to a more concurrent application, but don't know if it will be worth it.

zoeself commented 2 years ago

@superyuuki thank you for reporting this. I'll assign someone to take care of it soon.

zoeself commented 2 years ago

@superyuuki I couldn't find any assignee for this task. This is either because there are no contributors with role DEV available or because the project does not have enough funds.

Please, make sure there is at least one available contributor with the required role and the project can afford to pay them.

superyuuki commented 2 years ago

Being worked on rn. Def worth it if you don't make everything a concurrent task