Open Kotori12450 opened 2 years ago
If there is a single player that cant sync then it stands to reason that the player in question has something wrong with their setup.
I don't have enough information here to help unfortunately, some logs from the server and client could be useful.
serversync-CLIENT.log Is that chinese files sry
looks like the log just stops part way through sync, might be related to client timeouts though I had thought that was fixed.
Do you have the server logs for this?
serversync-server-connection-from--address.log maybe is that file,thank for you recive
That log seems to indicate that the sync process completed fine.
Have you restarted serversync since making the changes to your modlist?
Whatever is the restard or press the check updates and other operation. The player is 4:02 PM has report this question to me ,but I just checked the logs time carefully, there are no logs around this time. It looks like you're not connected to the sync server,but the client displays connected .
Did a brief connection test, seems to be working fine.
What is the nature of the changes you made to the mod list, version updates? additions?
I add the some mods in the modlist and other players has updated the modlist but only his client said after deleting some mod tests said "nothing to do!"
Things to check for the player:
(though I would have expected this to fail with a cant connect error)operation:Add mod - restard the syncserver
1.Try connecting to the server? Maybe there really is nothing to do.
-The cilent show the update new mod and i press the sync button , wait until the update is complete but there is still no new mod in the mod folder
2.Make sure that they are running serversync in the right folder (instance of minecraft), some people have several copies of minecraft installed at once. -I downloaded one of the 1.18 verison in my packages.
3.Make sure that they are running serversync in the right folder (instance of minecraft), some people have several copies of minecraft installed at once -In the (.minecraft) folder
4.Try deleting the mods folder and re-running serversync -When im deleted all of the mod in the mods folder then sync the mods said "nothing to do!"
5.Make sure that their firewall is not blocking traffic from (though I would have expected this to fail with a cant connect error) -I personally used the remote connection desktop to close all his firewalls and... "nothing to do!"
Is ServerSync located in .minecraft
as well? Seems like ServerSync is operating in a different location to Minecraft
Yep In the .minecraft flods side ,
Whatever is the restard or press the check updates and other operation. The player is 4:02 PM has report this question to me ,but I just checked the logs time carefully, there are no logs around this time. It looks like you're not connected to the sync server,but the client displays connected .
Where is this UI coming from? I've downloaded both the client & server and set up works fine on a small modpack but then I tried implementing it in a larger modpack (All The Mods 9) but I get timeout constantly. Trying to fix it.
Serversync Version:
Minecraft Version:
1.18.1 or unimportance
Why the one of the player always can't sync the server modlist , and that said nothing to do, when the server modlist has change. The only thing can know is Serversync clinet has connected to my server. What is clearly not available shows that it already exists.