Hi, thanks so much for this code. It is really simple and easy to understand. There is one particular question I am trying to understand: when you are training with MLE loss, oracle sampling is always based on the 'START LETTER'.
def sample(self, num_samples, start_letter=0):
Samples the network and returns num_samples samples of length max_seq_len.
Outputs: samples, hidden
- samples: num_samples x max_seq_length (a sampled sequence in each row)
samples = torch.zeros(num_samples, self.max_seq_len).type(torch.LongTensor)
h = self.init_hidden(num_samples)
inp = autograd.Variable(torch.LongTensor([start_letter]*num_samples))
if self.gpu:
samples = samples.cuda()
inp = inp.cuda()
for i in range(self.max_seq_len):
out, h = self.forward(inp, h) # out: num_samples x vocab_size
out = torch.multinomial(torch.exp(out), 1) # num_samples x 1 (sampling from each row)
samples[:, i] = out.view(-1).data
inp = out.view(-1)
return samples
For example the code above, should this out, h = self.forward(inp, h) be out, h = self.forward(samples[:,i-1], h)
Hi, I am not sure I completely understand the question. The next input is set to be the previous output in the line inp = out.view(-1) which should be equivalent to samples[:,i-1]?
Hi, thanks so much for this code. It is really simple and easy to understand. There is one particular question I am trying to understand: when you are training with MLE loss, oracle sampling is always based on the 'START LETTER'.
For example the code above, should this
out, h = self.forward(inp, h)
beout, h = self.forward(samples[:,i-1], h)