web application allows participants to upload their images, recordings, and personal details, which are then displayed on the website grouped by chapters
Feature Description:
Implement pagination to the uploaded content display page. This feature improves the user experience by breaking down a long list of uploads into manageable pages.
Steps to Implement:
Update Query: Modify the query in the index route to fetch a limited number of uploads per page.
Pagination Controls: Add pagination controls (previous, next) to navigate through the pages.
Learning Resources:
Feature Description: Implement pagination to the uploaded content display page. This feature improves the user experience by breaking down a long list of uploads into manageable pages.
Steps to Implement:
Update Query: Modify the query in the index route to fetch a limited number of uploads per page. Pagination Controls: Add pagination controls (previous, next) to navigate through the pages. Learning Resources:
Flask-SQLAlchemy pagination: https://pythonhosted.org/Flask-SQLAlchemy/api.html#flask.ext.sqlalchemy.BaseQuery.paginate Tutorial on adding pagination to a Flask app: https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/the-flask-mega-tutorial-part-ix-pagination