surfacesyntacticud / guidelines

Guidelines for Surface Syntactic Universal Dependencies
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relation between two terms separated by a colon #41

Open perrier54 opened 1 year ago

perrier54 commented 1 year ago

Consider constructions in the form (TERM1 : TERM2). The two terms are linked by a dependency between their heads H1 and H2. There are two cases:

  1. H1 -> H2. In this case, the colon depends on H2 through a punctdependency.
  2. H2 -> H1. In this case, the colon depends on H1 through a punctdependency.

The two cases are distinguished by the dependency type between H1 and H2 (all examples beloww are extracted from the French-GSD corpus; H1, H2 and the colon are in green).

1. Case 1: TERM2 is a predicative complement of TERM1 ( H1 -[comp:pred]-> H2) image

TERM1 introduces a direct discourse expressed by TERM2 ( H1 -[comp:obj]-> H2) image

TERM1 are nominals TERM2 ( H1 -[conj:appos]-> H2) image

TERM2 is a clause expressing a development of TERM1 ( H1 -[parataxis]-> H2) image

2.Case 2: TERM1 is a modifier of TERM2 ( H2 -[mod]-> H1) image image

TERM1 is a discourse marker of TERM2 ( H2 -[discourse]-> H1) image

There is another cas, when the colon is inside a foreign expression. The words of the expression are linked together with the flat@foreigndependency and the colon depends on the previous word through a punctdependency. image