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Album covers are ever so slightly transparent. #513

Closed DawarTheDastardly closed 2 weeks ago

DawarTheDastardly commented 4 weeks ago

There's just the slightest bit of transparency on the album cover in both the fullscreen mode and the sidebar, which causes the dynamic background to sort of bleed into the image. It's not really a massive issue but it is a bit annoying.

image image

The first image is from the main album page, the second is from the sidebar, as you can see the background does influence the colour of the image slightly.

Aside from the orange, you can see that the white part of the image is a bit darker, and the black of the t shirt is slightly brighter and a bit washed out looking.

surfbryce commented 4 weeks ago

@DawarTheDastardly That is on purpose and a part of the design, it helps it not stand out too much and detract from the rest of the contents. Is this more noticeable to you in the panel view, cinema/fullscreen view, or both?

EDIT: It's also been like this ever since I started modifying the cover-art

DawarTheDastardly commented 4 weeks ago

For the panel view it's mainly noticeable when I have the album page open and can see both versions side by side.

For the fullscreen view it is pretty noticeable depending on the cover because of the slight colour banding (not entirely sure if that's the right term) which you can see moving on the cover.

Although it's intentional, it would be nice to have an option to disable it.

surfbryce commented 4 weeks ago

I'll have to think about it, I'm not a fan of options for the most part, especially those that are this granular that 99% won't touch; so it's going to be an either or situation here. I'll keep this open for the time being

surfbryce commented 3 weeks ago

@DawarTheDastardly I've made some changes, you'll see how it looks in the next patch.