surfbryce / beautiful-lyrics

Completely revolutionizes the Spotify Lyrics Experience by introducing Live Lyrics, Dynamic Backgrounds, and Immersive Views
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Fullscreen Information won't load in Countries that Spotify is not allowed in #519

Closed bebrriko closed 3 days ago

bebrriko commented 2 weeks ago

image Fullscreen doesnt show any info about the song.

image Cinema mode shows nothing but black screen

surfbryce commented 2 weeks ago

@bebrriko You'll need to disable the new nav bar in experimental features. Check #441 for the post on how to do it (it's at the bottom)

bebrriko commented 2 weeks ago

fullscreen still doesnt show info

surfbryce commented 2 weeks ago

@bebrriko I'll reopen this temporarily, I won't be responding to any issues until much later in the day, I need to write up some READMEs so that I can point people to how to open the console and etc. for posting bug reports

bebrriko commented 2 weeks ago

I enabled vpn and then cinema mode worked well. Could be cuz it now asks the spotify for the info directly using api. I'm in Russia. image image

bebrriko commented 2 weeks ago

image Got it to work installing proxy in chromium spotify uses, but it's a client-side fix.

surfbryce commented 1 week ago

@bebrriko I'll look into seeing if I can load the track information without using the API link directly.

Just to make sure, everything else in Spotify works right? Like it works normally with your VPN without having to do anything like you did with Beautiful Lyrics?

bebrriko commented 1 week ago

@surfbryce Yes, it works well. Everything works except for the ads.

surfbryce commented 3 days ago

@bebrriko I've changed the way Beautiful Lyrics gets the track information, it should be using the same method that Spotify uses internally, you'll have to let me know when you get to the next patch