[x] Promote container using latest branch to new environment (adds mbodata-env)
[x] Terraform apply (adds necessary infra)
[x] APPLICATION_PROJECT=mbodata APPLICATION_MODE=acceptance fab -H bastion.acc.surfedushare.nl db.setup
[x] Set certificate unto the loadbalancer manually
[x] Migrate (to delete sites table for other projects)
[x] Copy the initial metadata from Edusources prod as a starting point: AWS_PROFILE=pol-acc aws s3 sync s3://surfpol-harvester-content-prod/datasets/harvester/metadata/ s3://mbodata-harvester-content-acc/datasets/harvester/metadata/
[x] Run metadata load: invoke APPLICATION_MODE=acceptance hrv.load-metadata acceptance -s acceptance
[x] Put all metadata fields into manual to prevent automatic deletion. Normally only modified_at, published_at and publisher_date are manual fields
Steps to release: