Closed fako closed 5 years ago
Some insight on how Google works with annotations:
This article talks about different ways of getting relevance feedback for queries including the pseudo relevance feedback (aka Machiel's query enrichment method). The article suggests also that query enrichment using PRF improves when incorporating the approximity of enrichment words to query words in the texts.
According to this article PRF is not working well for short query strings and suggests enrichment through Wikipedia:
A paper that compares 5 ways of how to enrich queries with Wikipedia information: Another overview article: And another one:
This paper talks about our idea to use dbpedia or WordNet or ConceptNet to improve queries:
This article discusses search queries and the long tail. It's in a very different domain, but we can expect a very long tail within the higher education domain, because we're dealing with many experts that need very specific learning materials. So something related to both long tail and query enrichment seems relevant:
This paper describes enrichment for learning materials:
Query enrichment for video search:
This article not only describes query enrichment, but also experiments with a user interface:
Gathers some articles that are relevant for query enrichment