Most tutorials just teach you basic programming logic, and if they talk about the structure of the code is something like "Modules have classes, classes have functions and functions do things". Learning how to structure your code requires a lot of practice and experience, and software design&architecture is something that takes a while to learn, but there are important tools that guide you in this task: software design principles.
Some say that people still learning to program can't benefit from learning about this topic, but if I look back I really wish someone told me about these things from the beginning. It would have made a lot of stuff much easier
So he wrote some tutorials
S for the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), which guides you in creating classes that are responsible for one, and only one actor.
O for the Open/Closed Principle (OCP), which makes your code easy to extend by ensuring that it stays open for extension but closed for modification (this might be the most important of all 5)
L for the Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP), which keeps semantic consistency in complex inheritance hierarchies, making your classes easier to understand and use.
I for the Interface Segregation Principle (ISP), which protects objects from depending on the behavior they don't really need.
D for the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP), which controls the direction of dependencies in your code, ensuring that it always flows in the direction of more abstract entities.
Todos SRP
[ ] read the SRP Tutorial
[ ] talk about it and decide if it was helpfull enough
[ ] if helpfull - try to write some code and push it to /javascript/srp-p.js or spr-d.js, if not find a better tutorial, post it here and repeat 1 till 3
User juanorozcov posted S.O.L.I.D design principles for everyone:
So he wrote some tutorials
Todos SRP