surfriderfoundationeurope / etl

ETL (Extract Transform Load) Data Management process
MIT License
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Code review #5

Closed bertrandlalo closed 3 years ago

bertrandlalo commented 4 years ago

General comments

On the script itself (

On GPS helpers (

def add_geom_to_gps_points(gps_points: list, **kwargs): """ Add projection to a given geometry to a GPS list of points

gps_points: list of dict  with gps point containing Longitude and Latitude


for gps_point in gps_points:
    add_geom_to_gps_point(gps_point, **kwargs)

## On Blob helpers ( 
I'm not sure this function really 'provides' any info about the blob since it only print some stuff. Do we really need it ? /!\ `blob_video_prop_keys` is defined but not used. If the only purpose is to keep those info printed in the log, I suggest we do this in function 'downloadBlob' with level 'debug'. What do you think?
- Here, you catch all exceptions but we could distinguish two major error : `conn_string` is erroneous or container with name `container_name` does not exist; So we could catch those two in particular, so that the message is more informative.  I suggest : 

def safe_blob(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, *kwargs): try: print('calling', func, 'with', args, kwargs) return func(args, **kwargs) except ValueError: logger.warning('Could not connect to blob storage. ' 'Connection string is either blank or malformed.' 'Early exit of ETL process !') exit()

    except HttpResponseError as e:
        logger.warning('Could not List blob, the container probably does not exist. '
                       f'Details : {e} '
                       'Early exit of ETL process !')

return wrapper

@safe_blob def list_container_blob_names(conn_str: str, container_name: str) -> list: """ List blob names in a given container

conn_str:  A connection string to an Azure Storage account.
container_name:  The container name for the blob.

blob_names: list of blob names in the container

campaign_container = ContainerClient.from_connection_string(
    conn_str=conn_str, container_name=container_name
blob_names = [ for blob in campaign_container.list_blobs()]
return blob_names
- Why do we need to hardcode the download directory to `/tmp`  in ?
I suggest : 

@safe_blob def download_blob(blob_client: BlobClient, local_path: str = '/tmp') -> str: """ Download Blob from Azure to local file system

blob_client: Azure client to interact with a specific blob
local_path: Local path to download the blob in

blob_directory: directory where blob content is downloaded

if not os.path.exists(local_path):
 blob_name = blob_client.blob_name
 blob_directory = os.path.join(local_path, blob_name)
 with open(blob_directory, "wb") as blob_folder:
     blob_data = blob_client.download_blob()
    logger.debug(f'Blob {blob_name} has been successfully downloaded. \n '
                 f'Path to local storage : {blob_directory}')
    return blob_directory
## On AI helpers (
- In `AIready` you define thee AI url as `''` (with port) but then in `get_prediction`, you define it without the port which is hardcoded inside
- use `request.ok` and `request.reason`  instead 
I'd suggest something like : 

def ai_ready(url: str) -> bool: """ Evaluate whether AI inference service is available

url: address of to AI API

ready: AI Status: True if AI is ready, else False

    ai_request = requests.get(url)"AI request reason: ", ai_request.reason)
    return ai_request.ok  # True if AI is ready, False if not. 
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
    logger.warning("AI not found, an error has occured") # Probably wrong url or AI server is down. 
    return False
- When requesting the AI you store the response (that's a json) in a list in `getPrediction` and then you go back to the first and only element of that list in `jsonPrediction` I suggest `getPrediction` returns the json as is 🙂. 
- Why `# removing 2 x first and 3 last characters of pred` ? 🤔 OHH I understand what you're doing. The AI sends a json formated string, so there may be some characters around like `b'{"detected_trash":[],"fps":4,"video_id":"Users_raph_Desktop_Screenshot_2020-04-29_at_15.27.16.png","video_length":1}\n'` and you're trying to remove the `b` and the `\n`... But there's a function to deserialise a JSON and you don't need to do these tricks: `json.dumps(ai_response)` does the work. I suggest we get rid of this function and deserialise the ai response in `getPrediction`. Agreed ? 
- Also, the only thing you use from the AI seems to be 'detected_trash', so function `getPrediction` could do the all work and return 'detected_trash' for conveniency purpose. 
- Do we really need a function for that ? I suggest one simple line : `prediction.get('label')` that is easier to read. Furthermore, if prediction (for some reason ? ) has no key `label` the `get` will return `None` whereas the `prediction['label']` will break. 
- If deprecated, I suggest we remove it. 
- Same for this one: I cannot find any usage. 

## On Postgre helpers (pg_ops)
- You're using function `pgConnectionString` only once in `pgOpenConnection`. I suggest we simplify the script by calling the first directly in the second. 
- `pgCloseConnection` only does `connection.close()` and if it fails it will raise a message. Do we really need a function for that ? I think it's adding some complexity.. 

## PEP 8 style recommendations 
**PEP8 style recommendations [here](**🕵️‍♀️
If you're using a IDE, you probably have warnings on the right side and suggestions such as : 
<img width="983" alt="Screenshot 2020-04-29 at 15 27 16" src="">
A very cool package to clean-up the code I discovered recently is called [black]( 

- [PEP8] You have a lot of dead imports, they should be grouped in the following order:
1. Standard library imports.
2. Related third party imports.
3. Local application/library specific imports.
You should put a blank line between each group of imports.
For example instead of
You'll have: 

import os import warnings

import gpxpy import gpxpy.gpx from import BlobClient from tqdm import tqdm

from .ai_ops import AIready, getPrediction, jsonPrediction, getTrashLabel from .blob_ops import blobInContainer, blobInfos, downloadBlob from .gps_ops import goproToGPX, gpsPointList, getDuration, fillGPS, longLat2shapeList, gps2154 from .postgre_ops import pgConnectionString, pgOpenConnection, pgCloseConnection, mapLabel2TrashIdPG, trashGPS, \ trashInsert

- [PEP8] to be replaced by `if isAIready:` 
- [PEP8] Triple double quote should be used for docstring
- [PEP8] Function name should be lowercase, see  [PEP8]( recommendations.
- [PEP8] docstring should use a standard format (eg. numpy, google, or ..) 
For example would become : 

def ai_ready(url: str)-> bool: """ Evaluate whether AI inference service is available

url: address of to AI API

ready: AI Status: True if AI is ready, else False

cl3m3nt commented 4 years ago

Hello @bertrandlalo,

thank you so much for taking the time to make this review, this will help improving the overall ETL. I'll try to share my feedback as soon as I can on your different proposal.

cl3m3nt commented 3 years ago
