surfrock66 / torque

A set of tools used with the Torque app for Android to store OBD2 data in MySQL, view GPS data from Torque on a map in real time using the Google Maps JavaScript API, plot OBD2 data in time series charts, and export the data to CSV or JSON.
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raw_logs are populated, nothing in sessions #19

Closed dscheste closed 7 years ago

dscheste commented 7 years ago

Torque seems to log data properly, the raw_logs table is populated with a bunch of logs, but the sessions table remains empty. Nothing there at all. Empty.

I see the following in the /var/log/apache2/other_vhosts_access.log: - - [23/Feb/2017:09:16:38 -0500] "GET /torque/upload_data.php? HTTP/1.0" 200 169 "-" "-" - - [23/Feb/2017:09:17:35 -0500] "GET /torque/upload_data.php? HTTP/1.0" 200 169 "-" "-" - - [23/Feb/2017:09:18:35 -0500] "GET /torque/upload_data.php? HTTP/1.0" 200 169 "-" "-"

200 status code means the API call was successful, not sure what 169 means.

How do I troubleshoot it from here?

My understanding is that this GET call should have inserted values into the sessions table, but evidently, it has not.

Thank you.

dscheste commented 7 years ago

I think I have gotten it to work by removing $sessprofilequery at the end of the sessions query in the upload_data.php:

$sessionqrystring = "INSERT INTO $db_sessions_table (".quote_names($sesskeys).", timestart, sessionsize) VALUES (".quote_values($sessvalues).", $sesstime, '1') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE timeend='$sesstime', sessionsize='$sesssizecount'$sessprofilequery"; //echo $sessionqrystring;

As a side note, why don't you use a trigger on the mysql side instead of running two queries in php?

surfrock66 commented 7 years ago

Weird, I'm not having this issue at all.

I'd accept a patch for the trigger thing; I don't know mysql deep enough to be able to implement that.