surge-synthesizer / stochas

The Stochas Sequencer
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Can I import notes from midi file #65

Open tomasz-stochmal opened 3 years ago

tomasz-stochmal commented 3 years ago

I have some midi files that I would like to play in Stochas after making minor modifications.

rudeog commented 3 years ago

Tomasz, the only way to do it right now is to put your midi file on the track in your daw and play it through stochas. In stochas you will hit record button, then play in your daw, and the notes will be recorded into stochas. I'll keep this issue open, as there has also been other interest in directly importing midi.

tomasz-stochmal commented 3 years ago

nice tip will try it Thanks

TjShredder commented 2 years ago

I would like this as a feature request. The load button is already in the GUI. Though the file browser is seemingly (and poorly) hand made and might need to be replaced by a Juce based browser (I can't navigate into an external drive for example...) Stochas would be the first and only VST that can play Midi files. Except for a ancient selfmade Pluggo plugin which doesn't work anymore... Think about it... I know it would not be an easy task, as it has to be translated into a Stochas format somehow...

baconpaul commented 2 years ago

@rudeog I did a little project recently where I used juce::MidiFile to load midi. Happy to share that code if you want (it was for the software that made this -

AlfredTe commented 1 year ago

I use Apple Logic. Unfortunately, I have yet to figure out how the stochas recording function works in Logic. When I press record a white field lights up in the upper left corner which recognizes the notes but nothing is recorded. Maybe someone knows. Thank you.

rudeog commented 1 year ago

@AlfredTe when you click Record you are in standby mode. Recording starts when you start the transport in your daw (ie hit play in your daw).

rudeog commented 1 year ago

@baconpaul thanks, (nice visualization btw). There is already code in Stochas that loads midi files (used to extract groove info from midi file), so it could be used. If we were to do this properly, we'd probably want to allow the user to select which portion (ie which set of measures) and which midi track (if there are more than one in the file) to import. So some ui work there. @TjShredder as for the file browser being hand made, it actually is a built in Juce browser (FileBrowserComponent), however there may be a different one that they provide. I wanted to avoid using modal OS provided file dialog, as I've seen issues in the distant past in some DAW's where modal dialogs can get caught behind other windows and make it seem that the UI freezes. However it may not be an issue in VST3.

ClintGoss commented 1 year ago

Just spent days searching looking for a straightforward software sequencer for my WindSynth rig (Sylphyo-based) with a set of what I consider basic features. Found old, crash-prone VSTs, GitHub repositories that don't compile, defunct commercial products, loads of co$$ercial products that "Do It ALL". And then ... by chance ... Stochas, seemingly hiding under a bushel ...

However ... one key feature is this one - loading MIDI drum groove files. I guess I can try the "play it into the Stochas VST" approach, but I am using Cantabile (which is a Live DAW) and doesn't even have tracks per se ... so I'd have to kluge up a media player. The [Load] function would be great. Drag and Drop even greater ...

THANKS for all the great work!

indigomirage commented 1 year ago

This would be a very, very useful feature.