surge-synthesizer / stochas

The Stochas Sequencer
GNU General Public License v3.0
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First step of a pattern is not outputted when playback is first activated and the playback mode is not "Auto" #83

Open pbrmei opened 3 years ago

pbrmei commented 3 years ago

In my case, I set the playback mode to "Measure" in Patch Options and have the following midi mappings:

I have my DAW sends C0 (channel 16) on the last beat of measure 8, which correctly triggers playback on measure 9, then the DAW sends C1 (channel 1) on the first beat of measure 9, which correctly triggers the pattern 1 of layer 1. However, the notes on the first step of pattern 1 are not outputted. Measure 9 is the first measure in a loop in my project, and the notes on the first step of pattern 1 are outputted correctly on all subsequent iterations of the loop. I tried setting the Pos. Offset parameter (in Settings) to a negative value, but that does not fix the issue.

Stochas version: 1.3.HEAD.a2346d3 DAW: Cubase Pro 11.0.10 build 321

rudeog commented 2 years ago

I think what is happening is that by the time the DAW has sent C1, it has already done its work on that first step. It does a kind of look ahead which helps handle situations where a step must play early due to swing or variance. Unfortunately this causes issues such as the one you've seen (if I understand it correctly). In this case, it has already processed step 1 (even though it may not have actually played yet). Workaround would be to issue your pattern change midi note slightly before the beginning of measure 9 so that by the time measure 9 starts it will have received it.