surgical-robotics-ai / surgical_robotics_challenge

Interactive Robot Assisted Suturing Simulation
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No force feedback using Geomagic & PHANToM Omni (Single Device Configuration) #89

Open nezih-niegu opened 10 months ago

nezih-niegu commented 10 months ago

Hi all,

I've been trying to troubleshoot an issue I had due to the lack of information when I run:

rostopic echo /Geomagic/force_feedback The topic seems to be published, yet not showing anything I can work with. My PHANToMConfiguration and PHANToMTest run just like they are supposed to, that is to say, I do receive force feedback when testing the haptic device. So I don't think it is a HW problem.

AMBF Simulator runs with the -e 1 flag to activate force feedback as follows:

ambf_simulator --launch_file surgical_robotics_challenge/launch.yaml -l 0,1,3,4,14,17 -p 120 -e 1 -t 1 --override_max_comm_freq 120 roslaunch geomagic_control geomagic_headless.launch runs without any kind of problems as well. However, I've encountered something that I think could be related to this issue when the code is running (either using rosrun on my own package or independently with python3). Here I attach a screenshot of the output, where you may see that some important objects were not found:


The rest of the topics work just fine, and I can control the robot arms using the same haptic device. I just don't receive any force feedback as a ROS topic or, even physically, throughout the PHANToM Omni.

Hope you can help me sort this out, I've been stuck for almost two weeks.

Thanks, Nezih N