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Photon errors #7

Closed nvrkr closed 4 years ago

nvrkr commented 4 years ago

I imported this asset and photon too. After that settings for iap and ads are checked out like in documents. But there are too many errors (235). Most of them is about photon. What should i do? Can you help me about this. My unity version is 2019.2.8.f1

insthync commented 4 years ago

Please attach screenshot of an error, I can't guess what is happening :P

nvrkr commented 4 years ago

Hİ. I downgrade the unity to 2018.2.8f1 and total error reduced to 5. Attached a screenshot of console. hatalar

insthync commented 4 years ago

You should not downgrade from 2019.2 to 2018.2 it can break your project, because Unity's prefab system were changes. If you create new project then re-import the package it would fine.

About an error, I am doubting why it can't find SceneNameField. So please find SceneNameField then capture screenshot of the result and attach here.


nvrkr commented 4 years ago

Ok. I create a new project in 2018.2 and then import the package. I will post the screenshot finally. thanks

nvrkr commented 4 years ago

Hi. I did what you said and here the screenshot Ekran Alıntısı

insthync commented 4 years ago

Try import PUN2 package