suriyun-production / mmorpg-kit-docs

This is document for MMORPG KIT project (!/content/110188?aid=1100lGeN)
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Please update documentation #1133

Closed aggaton closed 2 years ago

aggaton commented 3 years ago

I was trying to follow the current documentation to add a new player model however I got stopped somewhere in the middle because apparently the components added have changed so much from when the documentation were made that it was impossible to follow. Also it seem to stop around when animations is being added and it doesn't seem to explain how to actually add it and the controller(s), just the various types. What I am looking for is to be shown how to add a skinned mech-anim model as a player character, from start to finish in the mmo demo scene.

insthync commented 3 years ago

Are you mentioning this document?

aggaton commented 3 years ago

Yes, I tried following the instructions to add a new Player Character and Model, however it seems to be incomplete and was out of sync with the current version. Slightly confusing as well if you are not familiar with the kit as I am not. It looks to be a pretty cool framework, and wanted to try and change a few things on the demo scene, however it seemed super complicated to change what seems like such a simple thing like the character model. I also feel it was trying to explain too many things at once. Maybe keep the tutorial as a straight walkthrough of things that needs to happen to replace the model, and put the rest in a different section, since at some point you will probably want that once you familiarized yourself with the kit.

insthync commented 3 years ago

How about this

aggaton commented 3 years ago

Much better, thank you!

aggaton commented 3 years ago

Hi, so I finally got around trying this. When I start the game for the first time, I can see the toon I added on the character selection screen, once I create a player and enter the game, no model is shown, and it keeps falling down, sliding off the cube that was created. I redid this 3 times and came to the same result. Do you have any idea what might be wrong?

insthync commented 3 years ago

May I see your colliders setup for both character and cube?

aggaton commented 3 years ago

Here is a video of the setup

I'll try add a collider that covers the feet area. However it is weird the model is not even showing. Should be said this model works fine with Opasive UCC.

So I tried two other models, one had very small scaling and I got below error, might be due to a too small scale at 0.01556005 x,y,z. The second model I tried worked perfectly, it has a scale of 1,1,1.

Step Offset must be less or equal to + * 2 UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace () MultiplayerARPG.UICharacterCreate:OnSelectCharacter (MultiplayerARPG.IPlayerCharacterData) (at Assets/UnityMultiplayerARPG/Core/Scripts/LanGame/UI/UICharacterCreate.cs:297) MultiplayerARPG.UICharacterCreate:OnSelectCharacter (MultiplayerARPG.UICharacter) (at Assets/UnityMultiplayerARPG/Core/Scripts/LanGame/UI/UICharacterCreate.cs:282) UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent1<MultiplayerARPG.UICharacter>:Invoke (MultiplayerARPG.UICharacter) UISelectionManager4<MultiplayerARPG.ICharacterData, MultiplayerARPG.UICharacter, MultiplayerARPG.CharacterDataEvent, MultiplayerARPG.UICharacterEvent>:Select (object) (at Assets/UnityMultiplayerARPG/Core/Scripts/UI/UISelectionManager.cs:107) UISelectionManager4<MultiplayerARPG.ICharacterData, MultiplayerARPG.UICharacter, MultiplayerARPG.CharacterDataEvent, MultiplayerARPG.UICharacterEvent>:Add (MultiplayerARPG.UICharacter) (at Assets/UnityMultiplayerARPG/Core/Scripts/UI/UISelectionManager.cs:52) MultiplayerARPG.UICharacterCreate/<>c__DisplayClass65_0:<LoadCharacters>b__0 (int,MultiplayerARPG.BasePlayerCharacterEntity,UnityEngine.GameObject) (at Assets/UnityMultiplayerARPG/Core/Scripts/LanGame/UI/UICharacterCreate.cs:204) UIList:Generate<MultiplayerARPG.BasePlayerCharacterEntity> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1,System.Action`3<int, MultiplayerARPG.BasePlayerCharacterEntity, UnityEngine.GameObject>) (at Assets/UnityMultiplayerARPG/Core/Scripts/UI/UIList.cs:54) MultiplayerARPG.UICharacterCreate:LoadCharacters () (at Assets/UnityMultiplayerARPG/Core/Scripts/LanGame/UI/UICharacterCreate.cs:186) MultiplayerARPG.UICharacterCreate:OnEnable () (at Assets/UnityMultiplayerARPG/Core/Scripts/LanGame/UI/UICharacterCreate.cs:269) UIBase:Show () (at Assets/UnityMultiplayerARPG/Core/Scripts/UI/UIBase.cs:64) UIHistory:Next (UIBase) (at Assets/UnityMultiplayerARPG/Core/Scripts/UI/UIHistory.cs:27) UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update ()

Here is a visualization of the colliders if that helps. image

insthync commented 3 years ago

I saw the Character Controller is disabled, you may try turning it on in prefab


aggaton commented 3 years ago

So I stripped out all the colliders of the first model and just went with a basic one, and the toon showed up and is not falling. I guess the mmo kit does not like the fancy collider setup I had made for each limb... However I still have an issue with the second model with the very small scale factor. Thanks for all your help btw.


Not sure what to change to prevent the error from being thrown. The model came like this from the asset store.

insthync commented 3 years ago

You may try change Character Controller setting, try changes radius, height, step offsets