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IL2CPP Support Server + Client #1741

Closed Callepo closed 1 year ago

Callepo commented 1 year ago

i was going to report bout how mapspawnnetwork doesnt work with IL2CPP back end, but i saw its been reported before. is there any updates on this ?

basically Process.Start(startProcessInfo) not working, which makes it impossible to have instances.( u can bypass maps by spawning them manually, but instancing is not gonna be a thing)

also on the Client end of things Ncp dialog Custom Condition, the way the code is invoking the condition makes it not possible to be used with IL2CPP. basically it cant find or invoke the code at runtime, u have to precompile it into the build.

I dont have the actual error message atm of it, i will EDIT it later onto this post when i have it clearify it.


These are the only 2 things i found broken with IL2CPP. if these work, we can have proper builds on both Server + Client

Callepo commented 1 year ago

@insthync It needs generate the code on build, not runtime image

Ahead-of-time compile Some platforms do not allow runtime code generation. Therefore, any managed code which depends upon just-in-time (JIT) compilation on the target device will fail. Instead, you must compile all of the managed code ahead-of-time (AOT). Often, this distinction doesn’t matter, but in a few specific cases, AOT platforms require additional consideration.

insthync commented 1 year ago

Any solution?

Callepo commented 1 year ago

insthync commented 1 year ago

Is there any library that I can use instead of the current one? (this:

Callepo commented 1 year ago

i dont know a library which could replace it tbh, we could try have it compile ahead of time. but i been trying to do it. maybe im not doing it right or it doesnt work at all

insthync commented 1 year ago

Custom condition issues fixed in 1.80