Closed Niinra closed 1 year ago
Which kind of entity movement, what is movement secure setting, and how much is snap threshold?
How is your server CPU/RAM usage?
It is a server for few people
I asked for its usage, % / MB
You may send windows client to me to my email:
I'll send it to you right now
You may send windows client to me to my email:
And one question, what do you mean by window clients?
A game which built for Windows, which can runs on Windows 11
I understand I'll send it to you
I sent you .rar with the client in MediaFire link to download it because email doesn't support files with more than 33MB of size
My RTT is around 320 here, very lag, Try use top
command to see CPU/RAM usage, I want to see it.
Okay, my home may be very far from the server.
I have 50/40 ping and it keeps happening i'm already recording a gif for you
I think the problem occurring frequently when jumped
any news let me know here
Please help me try replace this codes (BuiltInEntityMovementFunctions3D.cs), rebuild both server and client and test,
using LiteNetLib.Utils;
using LiteNetLibManager;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
namespace MultiplayerARPG
public class BuiltInEntityMovementFunctions3D
private static readonly RaycastHit[] s_findGroundRaycastHits = new RaycastHit[4];
private static readonly long s_lagBuffer = System.TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond * 200;
private static readonly float s_lagBufferUnityTime = 0.2f;
[Header("Movement AI")]
[Range(0.01f, 1f)]
public float stoppingDistance = 0.1f;
public MovementSecure movementSecure = MovementSecure.NotSecure;
[Header("Movement Settings")]
public float jumpHeight = 2f;
public ApplyJumpForceMode applyJumpForceMode = ApplyJumpForceMode.ApplyImmediately;
public float applyJumpForceFixedDuration;
public float backwardMoveSpeedRate = 0.75f;
public float gravity = 9.81f;
public float maxFallVelocity = 40f;
public float stickGroundForce = 9.6f;
[Tooltip("Delay before character change from grounded state to airborne")]
public float airborneDelay = 0.01f;
public bool doNotChangeVelocityWhileAirborne;
public float landedPauseMovementDuration = 0f;
public float beforeCrawlingPauseMovementDuration = 0f;
public float afterCrawlingPauseMovementDuration = 0f;
[Range(0.1f, 1f)]
public float underWaterThreshold = 0.75f;
public bool autoSwimToSurface;
[Header("Root Motion Settings")]
public bool useRootMotionForMovement;
public bool useRootMotionForAirMovement;
public bool useRootMotionForJump;
public bool useRootMotionForFall;
public bool useRootMotionWhileNotMoving;
public bool useRootMotionUnderWater;
[Header("Networking Settings")]
public float snapThreshold = 5.0f;
public BaseGameEntity Entity { get; private set; }
public bool IsServer { get { return Entity.IsServer; } }
public bool IsClient { get { return Entity.IsClient; } }
public bool IsOwnerClient { get { return Entity.IsOwnerClient; } }
public bool IsOwnedByServer { get { return Entity.IsOwnedByServer; } }
public bool IsOwnerClientOrOwnedByServer { get { return Entity.IsOwnerClientOrOwnedByServer; } }
public GameInstance CurrentGameInstance { get { return Entity.CurrentGameInstance; } }
public BaseGameplayRule CurrentGameplayRule { get { return Entity.CurrentGameplayRule; } }
public BaseGameNetworkManager CurrentGameManager { get { return Entity.CurrentGameManager; } }
public Transform CacheTransform { get { return Entity.EntityTransform; } }
public Animator Animator { get; private set; }
public IBuiltInEntityMovement3D EntityMovement { get; private set; }
public float StoppingDistance
get { return stoppingDistance; }
public MovementState MovementState { get; private set; }
public ExtraMovementState ExtraMovementState { get; private set; }
public DirectionVector2 Direction2D { get { return Vector2.down; } set { } }
public float CurrentMoveSpeed { get; private set; }
public Queue<Vector3> NavPaths { get; private set; }
public bool HasNavPaths
get { return NavPaths != null && NavPaths.Count > 0; }
// Movement codes
private bool _isGrounded = true;
private bool _isUnderWater = false;
private float _airborneElapsed;
private bool _isJumping;
private bool _applyingJumpForce;
private float _applyJumpForceCountDown;
private Collider _waterCollider;
private Transform _groundedTransform;
private Vector3 _previousPlatformPosition;
private long _acceptedPositionTimestamp;
private long _acceptedJumpTimestamp;
private Vector3? _clientTargetPosition;
private float _yAngle;
private float _targetYAngle;
private float _yTurnSpeed;
private bool _lookRotationApplied;
private bool _acceptedJump;
private bool _sendingJump;
private float _lastServerValidateTransformTime;
private float _lastServerValidateTransformMoveSpeed;
private EntityMovementInput _oldInput;
private EntityMovementInput _currentInput;
private MovementState _tempMovementState;
private ExtraMovementState _tempExtraMovementState;
private Vector3 _inputDirection;
private Vector3 _moveDirection;
private float _verticalVelocity;
private float? _lagMoveSpeedRate;
private Vector3 _velocityBeforeAirborne;
private float _pauseMovementCountDown;
private bool _previouslyGrounded;
private bool _previouslyAirborne;
private ExtraMovementState _previouslyExtraMovementState;
private bool _isTeleporting;
private bool _isServerWaitingTeleportConfirm;
private bool _isClientConfirmingTeleport;
public BuiltInEntityMovementFunctions3D(BaseGameEntity entity, Animator animator, IBuiltInEntityMovement3D entityMovement)
Entity = entity;
Animator = animator;
EntityMovement = entityMovement;
_yAngle = _targetYAngle = CacheTransform.eulerAngles.y;
_lookRotationApplied = true;
public void EntityStart()
_isClientConfirmingTeleport = true;
_yAngle = CacheTransform.eulerAngles.y;
_verticalVelocity = 0;
public void ComponentEnabled()
_verticalVelocity = 0;
public void OnSetOwnerClient(bool isOwnerClient)
_clientTargetPosition = null;
NavPaths = null;
public void OnAnimatorMove()
if (!Animator)
if (useRootMotionWhileNotMoving &&
!MovementState.Has(MovementState.Forward) &&
!MovementState.Has(MovementState.Backward) &&
!MovementState.Has(MovementState.Left) &&
!MovementState.Has(MovementState.Right) &&
// No movement, apply root motion position / rotation
if (MovementState.Has(MovementState.IsGrounded) && useRootMotionForMovement)
if (!MovementState.Has(MovementState.IsGrounded) && useRootMotionForAirMovement)
if (MovementState.Has(MovementState.IsUnderWater) && useRootMotionUnderWater)
public void StopMove()
if (movementSecure == MovementSecure.ServerAuthoritative)
// Send movement input to server, then server will apply movement and sync transform to clients
public void StopMoveFunction()
NavPaths = null;
_lagMoveSpeedRate = null;
public void KeyMovement(Vector3 moveDirection, MovementState movementState)
if (!Entity.CanMove())
if (CanPredictMovement())
// Always apply movement to owner client (it's client prediction for server auth movement)
_inputDirection = moveDirection;
_tempMovementState = movementState;
if (_inputDirection.sqrMagnitude > 0)
NavPaths = null;
if (!_isJumping && !_applyingJumpForce)
_isJumping = _isGrounded && _tempMovementState.Has(MovementState.IsJump);
public void PointClickMovement(Vector3 position)
if (!Entity.CanMove())
if (CanPredictMovement())
// Always apply movement to owner client (it's client prediction for server auth movement)
SetMovePaths(position, true);
public void SetExtraMovementState(ExtraMovementState extraMovementState)
if (!Entity.CanMove())
if (CanPredictMovement())
// Always apply movement to owner client (it's client prediction for server auth movement)
_tempExtraMovementState = extraMovementState;
public void SetLookRotation(Quaternion rotation)
if (!Entity.CanMove() || !Entity.CanTurn())
if (CanPredictMovement())
// Always apply movement to owner client (it's client prediction for server auth movement)
_targetYAngle = rotation.eulerAngles.y;
_lookRotationApplied = false;
public Quaternion GetLookRotation()
return Quaternion.Euler(0f, _yAngle, 0f);
public void SetSmoothTurnSpeed(float turnDuration)
_yTurnSpeed = turnDuration;
public float GetSmoothTurnSpeed()
return _yTurnSpeed;
public void Teleport(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
if (!IsServer)
Logging.LogWarning(nameof(BuiltInEntityMovementFunctions3D), $"Teleport function shouldn't be called at client [{}]");
_isTeleporting = true;
OnTeleport(position, rotation.eulerAngles.y);
public bool FindGroundedPosition(Vector3 fromPosition, float findDistance, out Vector3 result)
return PhysicUtils.FindGroundedPosition(fromPosition, s_findGroundRaycastHits, findDistance, GameInstance.Singleton.GetGameEntityGroundDetectionLayerMask(), out result, CacheTransform);
public bool WaterCheck(Collider waterCollider)
if (waterCollider == null)
// Not in water
return false;
float footToSurfaceDist = waterCollider.bounds.max.y - EntityMovement.GetBounds().min.y;
float currentThreshold = footToSurfaceDist / (EntityMovement.GetBounds().max.y - EntityMovement.GetBounds().min.y);
return currentThreshold >= underWaterThreshold;
public void UpdateMovement(float deltaTime)
float tempSqrMagnitude;
float tempPredictSqrMagnitude;
float tempTargetDistance;
float tempEntityMoveSpeed;
float tempMaxMoveSpeed;
Vector3 tempHorizontalMoveDirection;
Vector3 tempMoveVelocity;
Vector3 tempCurrentPosition;
Vector3 tempTargetPosition;
Vector3 tempPredictPosition;
tempTargetDistance = 0f;
tempCurrentPosition = CacheTransform.position;
tempMoveVelocity =;
_moveDirection =;
_isUnderWater = WaterCheck(_waterCollider);
_isGrounded = EntityMovement.GroundCheck();
bool isAirborne = !_isGrounded && !_isUnderWater && _airborneElapsed >= airborneDelay;
// Update airborne elasped
if (_isGrounded)
_airborneElapsed = 0f;
_airborneElapsed += deltaTime;
if (HasNavPaths)
// Set `tempTargetPosition` and `tempCurrentPosition`
tempTargetPosition = NavPaths.Peek();
_moveDirection = (tempTargetPosition - tempCurrentPosition).normalized;
tempTargetDistance = Vector3.Distance(tempTargetPosition.GetXZ(), tempCurrentPosition.GetXZ());
if (!_tempMovementState.Has(MovementState.Forward))
_tempMovementState |= MovementState.Forward;
if (tempTargetDistance < StoppingDistance)
if (!HasNavPaths)
_moveDirection =;
else if (_clientTargetPosition.HasValue)
tempTargetPosition = _clientTargetPosition.Value;
_moveDirection = (tempTargetPosition - tempCurrentPosition).normalized;
tempTargetDistance = Vector3.Distance(tempTargetPosition, tempCurrentPosition);
if (tempTargetDistance < 0.01f)
_clientTargetPosition = null;
_moveDirection =;
else if (_inputDirection.sqrMagnitude > 0f)
_moveDirection = _inputDirection.normalized;
tempTargetPosition = tempCurrentPosition + _moveDirection;
tempTargetPosition = tempCurrentPosition;
if (IsOwnerClientOrOwnedByServer && _lookRotationApplied && _moveDirection.sqrMagnitude > 0f)
// Turn character by move direction
if (Entity.CanTurn())
_targetYAngle = Quaternion.LookRotation(_moveDirection).eulerAngles.y;
if (!Entity.CanMove())
_moveDirection =;
_isJumping = false;
_applyingJumpForce = false;
if (!Entity.CanJump())
_isJumping = false;
// Prepare movement speed
tempEntityMoveSpeed = _applyingJumpForce ? 0f : Entity.GetMoveSpeed();
tempMaxMoveSpeed = tempEntityMoveSpeed;
// Calculate vertical velocity by gravity
if (!_isGrounded && !_isUnderWater)
if (!useRootMotionForFall)
_verticalVelocity = Mathf.MoveTowards(_verticalVelocity, -maxFallVelocity, gravity * deltaTime);
_verticalVelocity = 0f;
// Not falling set verical velocity to 0
_verticalVelocity = 0f;
// Jumping
if (_acceptedJump || (_pauseMovementCountDown <= 0f && _isGrounded && _isJumping))
_sendingJump = true;
_airborneElapsed = airborneDelay;
_applyingJumpForce = true;
_applyJumpForceCountDown = 0f;
switch (applyJumpForceMode)
case ApplyJumpForceMode.ApplyAfterFixedDuration:
_applyJumpForceCountDown = applyJumpForceFixedDuration;
case ApplyJumpForceMode.ApplyAfterJumpDuration:
if (Entity.Model is IJumppableModel jumppableModel)
_applyJumpForceCountDown = jumppableModel.GetJumpAnimationDuration();
if (_applyingJumpForce)
_applyJumpForceCountDown -= Time.deltaTime;
if (_applyJumpForceCountDown <= 0f)
_isGrounded = false;
_applyingJumpForce = false;
if (!useRootMotionForJump)
_verticalVelocity = CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed();
// Updating horizontal movement (WASD inputs)
if (!isAirborne)
_velocityBeforeAirborne =;
if (_pauseMovementCountDown <= 0f && _moveDirection.sqrMagnitude > 0f && (!isAirborne || !doNotChangeVelocityWhileAirborne || !IsOwnerClientOrOwnedByServer))
// Calculate only horizontal move direction
tempHorizontalMoveDirection = _moveDirection;
tempHorizontalMoveDirection.y = 0;
// If character move backward
if (Vector3.Angle(tempHorizontalMoveDirection, CacheTransform.forward) > 120)
tempMaxMoveSpeed *= backwardMoveSpeedRate;
CurrentMoveSpeed = CalculateCurrentMoveSpeed(tempMaxMoveSpeed, deltaTime);
// NOTE: `tempTargetPosition` and `tempCurrentPosition` were set above
tempSqrMagnitude = (tempTargetPosition - tempCurrentPosition).sqrMagnitude;
tempPredictPosition = tempCurrentPosition + (tempHorizontalMoveDirection * CurrentMoveSpeed * deltaTime);
tempPredictSqrMagnitude = (tempPredictPosition - tempCurrentPosition).sqrMagnitude;
if (HasNavPaths || _clientTargetPosition.HasValue)
// Check `tempSqrMagnitude` against the `tempPredictSqrMagnitude`
// if `tempPredictSqrMagnitude` is greater than `tempSqrMagnitude`,
// rigidbody will reaching target and character is moving pass it,
// so adjust move speed by distance and time (with physic formula: v=s/t)
if (tempPredictSqrMagnitude >= tempSqrMagnitude && tempTargetDistance > 0f)
CurrentMoveSpeed *= tempTargetDistance / deltaTime / CurrentMoveSpeed;
tempMoveVelocity = tempHorizontalMoveDirection * CurrentMoveSpeed;
_velocityBeforeAirborne = tempMoveVelocity;
// Set inputs
_currentInput = Entity.SetInputMovementState(_currentInput, _tempMovementState);
if (HasNavPaths)
_currentInput = Entity.SetInputPosition(_currentInput, tempTargetPosition);
_currentInput = Entity.SetInputIsKeyMovement(_currentInput, false);
_currentInput = Entity.SetInputPosition(_currentInput, tempPredictPosition);
_currentInput = Entity.SetInputIsKeyMovement(_currentInput, true);
if (IsOwnerClientOrOwnedByServer)
if (_isGrounded && _previouslyAirborne)
_pauseMovementCountDown = landedPauseMovementDuration;
else if (_isGrounded && _previouslyExtraMovementState != ExtraMovementState.IsCrawling && _tempExtraMovementState == ExtraMovementState.IsCrawling)
_pauseMovementCountDown = beforeCrawlingPauseMovementDuration;
else if (_isGrounded && _previouslyExtraMovementState == ExtraMovementState.IsCrawling && _tempExtraMovementState != ExtraMovementState.IsCrawling)
_pauseMovementCountDown = afterCrawlingPauseMovementDuration;
else if (isAirborne && doNotChangeVelocityWhileAirborne)
tempMoveVelocity = _velocityBeforeAirborne;
if (_pauseMovementCountDown > 0f)
_pauseMovementCountDown -= deltaTime;
if (_pauseMovementCountDown > 0f)
// Remove movement from movestate while pausing movement
_tempMovementState ^= MovementState.Forward | MovementState.Backward | MovementState.Right | MovementState.Right;
// Updating vertical movement (Fall, WASD inputs under water)
if (_isUnderWater)
CurrentMoveSpeed = CalculateCurrentMoveSpeed(tempMaxMoveSpeed, deltaTime);
// Move up to surface while under water
if (autoSwimToSurface || Mathf.Abs(_moveDirection.y) > 0)
if (autoSwimToSurface)
_moveDirection.y = 1f;
tempTargetPosition = Vector3.up * (_waterCollider.bounds.max.y - (EntityMovement.GetBounds().size.y * underWaterThreshold));
tempCurrentPosition = Vector3.up * CacheTransform.position.y;
tempTargetDistance = Vector3.Distance(tempTargetPosition, tempCurrentPosition);
tempSqrMagnitude = (tempTargetPosition - tempCurrentPosition).sqrMagnitude;
tempPredictPosition = tempCurrentPosition + (Vector3.up * _moveDirection.y * CurrentMoveSpeed * deltaTime);
tempPredictSqrMagnitude = (tempPredictPosition - tempCurrentPosition).sqrMagnitude;
// Check `tempSqrMagnitude` against the `tempPredictSqrMagnitude`
// if `tempPredictSqrMagnitude` is greater than `tempSqrMagnitude`,
// rigidbody will reaching target and character is moving pass it,
// so adjust move speed by distance and time (with physic formula: v=s/t)
if (tempPredictSqrMagnitude >= tempSqrMagnitude && tempTargetDistance > 0f)
CurrentMoveSpeed *= tempTargetDistance / deltaTime / CurrentMoveSpeed;
// Swim up to surface
if (CurrentMoveSpeed < 0.01f)
_moveDirection.y = 0f;
tempMoveVelocity.y = _moveDirection.y * CurrentMoveSpeed;
if (!HasNavPaths)
_currentInput = Entity.SetInputYPosition(_currentInput, tempPredictPosition.y);
// Update velocity while not under water
tempMoveVelocity.y = _verticalVelocity;
// Don't applies velocity while using root motion
if ((_isGrounded && useRootMotionForMovement) ||
(isAirborne && useRootMotionForAirMovement) ||
(!_isGrounded && !isAirborne && useRootMotionForMovement) ||
(_isUnderWater && useRootMotionUnderWater))
tempMoveVelocity.x = 0;
tempMoveVelocity.z = 0;
Vector3 platformMotion =;
if (!_isUnderWater)
// Apply platform motion
if (_groundedTransform != null)
platformMotion = (_groundedTransform.position - _previousPlatformPosition) / deltaTime;
_previousPlatformPosition = _groundedTransform.position;
Vector3 stickGroundMotion = _isGrounded && !_isUnderWater && platformMotion.y <= 0f ? (Vector3.down * stickGroundForce) :;
EntityMovement.Move((tempMoveVelocity + platformMotion + stickGroundMotion) * deltaTime);
_currentInput = Entity.SetInputRotation(_currentInput, CacheTransform.rotation);
_isJumping = false;
_acceptedJump = false;
_previouslyGrounded = _isGrounded;
_previouslyAirborne = isAirborne;
_previouslyExtraMovementState = _tempExtraMovementState;
public void UpdateRotation(float deltaTime)
if (_yTurnSpeed <= 0f)
_yAngle = _targetYAngle;
else if (Mathf.Abs(_yAngle - _targetYAngle) > 1f)
_yAngle = Mathf.LerpAngle(_yAngle, _targetYAngle, _yTurnSpeed * deltaTime);
_lookRotationApplied = true;
public void AfterMovementUpdate(float deltaTime)
if (CanPredictMovement())
_tempMovementState = _moveDirection.sqrMagnitude > 0f ? _tempMovementState : MovementState.None;
if (_isUnderWater)
_tempMovementState |= MovementState.IsUnderWater;
if (_isGrounded || _airborneElapsed < airborneDelay)
_tempMovementState |= MovementState.IsGrounded;
// Update movement state
MovementState = _tempMovementState;
// Update extra movement state
ExtraMovementState = Entity.ValidateExtraMovementState(MovementState, _tempExtraMovementState);
// Update movement state
if (HasNavPaths && !MovementState.Has(MovementState.Forward))
MovementState |= MovementState.Forward;
private float CalculateCurrentMoveSpeed(float maxMoveSpeed, float deltaTime)
// Adjust speed by rtt
if (!IsServer && IsOwnerClient && movementSecure == MovementSecure.ServerAuthoritative)
float rtt = 0.001f * Entity.Manager.Rtt;
float acc = 1f / rtt * deltaTime * 0.5f;
if (!_lagMoveSpeedRate.HasValue)
_lagMoveSpeedRate = 0f;
if (_lagMoveSpeedRate < 1f)
_lagMoveSpeedRate += acc;
if (_lagMoveSpeedRate > 1f)
_lagMoveSpeedRate = 1f;
return maxMoveSpeed * _lagMoveSpeedRate.Value;
// TODO: Adjust other's client move speed by rtt
return maxMoveSpeed;
private void RotateY()
private void SetMovePaths(Vector3 position, bool useNavMesh)
if (useNavMesh)
NavMeshPath navPath = new NavMeshPath();
if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(position, out NavMeshHit navHit, 5f, NavMesh.AllAreas) &&
NavMesh.CalculatePath(CacheTransform.position, navHit.position, NavMesh.AllAreas, navPath))
NavPaths = new Queue<Vector3>(navPath.corners);
// Dequeue first path it's not require for future movement
// If not use nav mesh, just move to position by direction
NavPaths = new Queue<Vector3>();
private float CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed()
// From the jump height and gravity we deduce the upwards speed
// for the character to reach at the apex.
return Mathf.Sqrt(2f * jumpHeight * gravity);
public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.layer == PhysicLayers.Water)
// Enter water
_waterCollider = other;
public void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.layer == PhysicLayers.Water)
// Exit water
_waterCollider = null;
public void OnControllerColliderHit(Vector3 hitPoint, Transform hitTransform)
if (_isGrounded)
if (CacheTransform.position.y >= hitPoint.y)
_groundedTransform = hitTransform;
_previousPlatformPosition = _groundedTransform.position;
_groundedTransform = null;
public bool WriteClientState(NetDataWriter writer, out bool shouldSendReliably)
shouldSendReliably = false;
if (movementSecure == MovementSecure.NotSecure && IsOwnerClient && !IsServer)
// Sync transform from owner client to server (except it's both owner client and server)
if (_sendingJump)
shouldSendReliably = true;
MovementState |= MovementState.IsJump;
MovementState &= ~MovementState.IsJump;
if (_isClientConfirmingTeleport)
shouldSendReliably = true;
MovementState |= MovementState.IsTeleport;
_sendingJump = false;
_isClientConfirmingTeleport = false;
return true;
if (movementSecure == MovementSecure.ServerAuthoritative && IsOwnerClient && !IsServer)
_currentInput = Entity.SetInputExtraMovementState(_currentInput, _tempExtraMovementState);
if (_sendingJump)
shouldSendReliably = true;
_currentInput = Entity.SetInputJump(_currentInput);
_currentInput = Entity.ClearInputJump(_currentInput);
if (_isClientConfirmingTeleport)
shouldSendReliably = true;
_currentInput.MovementState |= MovementState.IsTeleport;
if (Entity.DifferInputEnoughToSend(_oldInput, _currentInput, out EntityMovementInputState inputState))
if (!_currentInput.IsKeyMovement)
// Point click should be reliably
shouldSendReliably = true;
Entity.ClientWriteMovementInput3D(writer, inputState, _currentInput.MovementState, _currentInput.ExtraMovementState, _currentInput.Position, _currentInput.Rotation);
_sendingJump = false;
_isClientConfirmingTeleport = false;
_oldInput = _currentInput;
_currentInput = null;
return true;
return false;
public bool WriteServerState(NetDataWriter writer, out bool shouldSendReliably)
shouldSendReliably = false;
// Sync transform from server to all clients (include owner client)
if (_sendingJump)
shouldSendReliably = true;
MovementState |= MovementState.IsJump;
MovementState &= ~MovementState.IsJump;
if (_isTeleporting)
shouldSendReliably = true;
MovementState |= MovementState.IsTeleport;
MovementState &= ~MovementState.IsTeleport;
_sendingJump = false;
_isTeleporting = false;
return true;
public void ReadClientStateAtServer(NetDataReader reader)
switch (movementSecure)
case MovementSecure.NotSecure:
case MovementSecure.ServerAuthoritative:
public void ReadServerStateAtClient(NetDataReader reader)
if (IsServer)
// Don't read and apply transform, because it was done at server
reader.ReadSyncTransformMessage3D(out MovementState movementState, out ExtraMovementState extraMovementState, out Vector3 position, out float yAngle, out long timestamp);
if (movementState.Has(MovementState.IsTeleport))
// Server requested to teleport
OnTeleport(position, yAngle);
else if (_acceptedPositionTimestamp <= timestamp)
if (Vector3.Distance(position, CacheTransform.position) >= snapThreshold)
// Snap character to the position if character is too far from the position
if (movementSecure == MovementSecure.ServerAuthoritative || !IsOwnerClient)
OnForceSetTransform(position, yAngle);
MovementState = movementState;
ExtraMovementState = extraMovementState;
else if (!IsOwnerClient)
_targetYAngle = yAngle;
_yTurnSpeed = 1f / Time.fixedDeltaTime;
if (Vector3.Distance(position.GetXZ(), CacheTransform.position.GetXZ()) > 0.01f)
_clientTargetPosition = position;
_clientTargetPosition = null;
MovementState = movementState;
ExtraMovementState = extraMovementState;
_acceptedPositionTimestamp = timestamp;
if (!IsOwnerClient && movementState.Has(MovementState.IsJump))
_acceptedJump = true;
public void ReadMovementInputAtServer(NetDataReader reader)
if (IsOwnerClient)
// Don't read and apply inputs, because it was done (this is both owner client and server)
if (movementSecure == MovementSecure.NotSecure)
// Movement handling at client, so don't read movement inputs from client (but have to read transform)
reader.ReadMovementInputMessage3D(out EntityMovementInputState inputState, out MovementState movementState, out ExtraMovementState extraMovementState, out Vector3 position, out float yAngle, out long timestamp);
if (movementState.Has(MovementState.IsTeleport))
// Teleport confirming from client
_isServerWaitingTeleportConfirm = false;
if (_isServerWaitingTeleportConfirm)
// Waiting for teleport confirming
if (Mathf.Abs(timestamp - BaseGameNetworkManager.Singleton.ServerTimestamp) > s_lagBuffer)
// Timestamp is a lot difference to server's timestamp, player might try to hack a game or packet may corrupted occurring, so skip it
if (!Entity.CanMove())
// It can't move, so don't move
if (_acceptedPositionTimestamp <= timestamp)
_tempMovementState = movementState;
_tempExtraMovementState = extraMovementState;
_clientTargetPosition = null;
if (inputState.Has(EntityMovementInputState.PositionChanged))
if (inputState.Has(EntityMovementInputState.IsKeyMovement))
NavPaths = null;
_clientTargetPosition = position;
_clientTargetPosition = null;
SetMovePaths(position, true);
if (inputState.Has(EntityMovementInputState.RotationChanged))
if (IsClient)
_targetYAngle = yAngle;
_yTurnSpeed = 1f / Time.fixedDeltaTime;
_yAngle = _targetYAngle = yAngle;
if (movementState.Has(MovementState.IsJump))
_acceptedJump = true;
if (inputState.Has(EntityMovementInputState.IsStopped))
_acceptedPositionTimestamp = timestamp;
public void ReadSyncTransformAtServer(NetDataReader reader)
if (IsOwnerClient)
// Don't read and apply transform, because it was done (this is both owner client and server)
if (movementSecure == MovementSecure.ServerAuthoritative)
// Movement handling at server, so don't read sync transform from client
reader.ReadSyncTransformMessage3D(out MovementState movementState, out ExtraMovementState extraMovementState, out Vector3 position, out float yAngle, out long timestamp);
if (movementState.Has(MovementState.IsTeleport))
// Teleport confirming from client
_isServerWaitingTeleportConfirm = false;
if (_isServerWaitingTeleportConfirm)
// Waiting for teleport confirming
if (Mathf.Abs(timestamp - BaseGameNetworkManager.Singleton.ServerTimestamp) > s_lagBuffer)
// Timestamp is a lot difference to server's timestamp, player might try to hack a game or packet may corrupted occurring, so skip it
if (_acceptedPositionTimestamp <= timestamp)
MovementState = movementState;
ExtraMovementState = extraMovementState;
if (!IsClient)
// If it's server only (not a host), set position follows the client immediately
float currentTime = Time.unscaledTime;
float t = currentTime - _lastServerValidateTransformTime;
float v = Entity.GetMoveSpeed();
float s = (_lastServerValidateTransformMoveSpeed * (t + s_lagBufferUnityTime)) + (v * t); // +`lagBufferUnityTime` as high ping buffer
if (s < 0.001f)
s = 0.001f;
Vector3 oldPos = CacheTransform.position;
Vector3 newPos = position;
float dist = Vector3.Distance(oldPos, newPos);
if (dist <= s)
// Allow to move to the position
OnForceSetTransform(position, yAngle);
// Client moves too fast, adjust it
Vector3 dir = (newPos - oldPos).normalized;
newPos = oldPos + (dir * s);
// And also adjust client's position
Teleport(newPos, Quaternion.Euler(0f, _yAngle, 0f));
_lastServerValidateTransformTime = currentTime;
_lastServerValidateTransformMoveSpeed = v;
_targetYAngle = yAngle;
_yTurnSpeed = 1f / Time.fixedDeltaTime;
// It's both server and client, translate position (it's a host so don't do speed hack validation)
if (Vector3.Distance(position, CacheTransform.position) > 0.01f)
SetMovePaths(position, false);
_acceptedPositionTimestamp = timestamp;
if (movementState.Has(MovementState.IsJump))
_acceptedJump = true;
private void OnTeleport(Vector3 position, float yAngle)
Entity.StartCoroutine(OnTeleportRoutine(position, yAngle));
IEnumerator OnTeleportRoutine(Vector3 position, float yAngle)
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
_airborneElapsed = 0;
_verticalVelocity = 0;
_clientTargetPosition = null;
NavPaths = null;
CacheTransform.position = position;
_yAngle = _targetYAngle = yAngle;
if (IsServer && !IsOwnedByServer)
_isServerWaitingTeleportConfirm = true;
if (!IsServer && IsOwnerClient)
_isClientConfirmingTeleport = true;
private void OnForceSetTransform(Vector3 position, float yAngle)
Entity.StartCoroutine(OnForceSetTransformRoutine(position, yAngle));
IEnumerator OnForceSetTransformRoutine(Vector3 position, float yAngle)
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
CacheTransform.position = position;
_yAngle = _targetYAngle = yAngle;
public bool CanPredictMovement()
return Entity.IsOwnerClient || (Entity.IsOwnerClientOrOwnedByServer && movementSecure == MovementSecure.NotSecure) || (Entity.IsServer && movementSecure == MovementSecure.ServerAuthoritative);
this happen in the multiplayer configuration it works excellent as it should work and when using the mmo mode the jump breaks
Still not working?
It doesn't work
Yep, then you should not tell me unnessary information, because you are using a translator and it is confusing me, just tell me whether is working or not.
okay, I got it
Try turn this ON
It is already activated by default and it does not work
Send your anydesk info to my email: , I will try it.
I already sent it to you
Try 1.83f
Check you mail
Fixed in 1.83g
Thanks very much suriyum one thing also, do you have any idea why the skinned mesh bug happened again? [image: image.png]
El sáb, 10 jun 2023 a las 18:31, Ittipon Teerapruettikulchai (< @.***>) escribió:
Closed #2062 as completed.
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We have a response problem as a presence in this gif look at how the jump looks with problems to perform it and late response or response time with the server , It also happens when I am doing a remote server having 30 ping, it still happens and this is the difference with the multiplayer it is going excellent as it should be and inclusive of my partner who has worse ping is not seen this way it looks normal