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[BUG] Drop Item Logic #2329

Closed LordPhrozen closed 8 months ago

LordPhrozen commented 9 months ago


The height detection on dropping items seems like it goes pretty high. I frequently run into zone design issues due to this, and players keep throwing items onto the roof :) Even with the distance set to 0.1, the height seems unrelated.

I believe this also effects item spawners. This may not be a "bug" but I'd like to ask that this value be made configurable tied to the gameinstance script

insthync commented 9 months ago

ItemDropEntity.cs ->

        public static ItemDropEntity Drop(BaseGameEntity dropper, RewardGivenType givenType, CharacterItem dropData, IEnumerable<string> looters)
            return Drop(GameInstance.Singleton.itemDropEntityPrefab, dropper, givenType, dropData, looters, GameInstance.Singleton.itemAppearDuration);

        public static ItemDropEntity Drop(ItemDropEntity prefab, BaseGameEntity dropper, RewardGivenType givenType, CharacterItem dropData, IEnumerable<string> looters, float appearDuration)
            Vector3 dropPosition = dropper.EntityTransform.position;
            Quaternion dropRotation = Quaternion.identity;
            switch (GameInstance.Singleton.DimensionType)
                case DimensionType.Dimension3D:
                    // Random position around dropper with its height
                    dropPosition += new Vector3(Random.Range(-1f, 1f) * GameInstance.Singleton.dropDistance, 0f, Random.Range(-1f, 1f) * GameInstance.Singleton.dropDistance);
                    // Random rotation
                    dropRotation = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.up * Random.Range(0, 360));
                case DimensionType.Dimension2D:
                    // Random position around dropper
                    dropPosition += new Vector3(Random.Range(-1f, 1f) * GameInstance.Singleton.dropDistance, Random.Range(-1f, 1f) * GameInstance.Singleton.dropDistance);
            return Drop(prefab, dropPosition, dropRotation, givenType, dropData, looters, appearDuration);

        public static ItemDropEntity Drop(ItemDropEntity prefab, Vector3 dropPosition, Quaternion dropRotation, RewardGivenType givenType, CharacterItem dropItem, IEnumerable<string> looters, float appearDuration)
            if (prefab == null)
                return null;

            if (GameInstance.Singleton.DimensionType == DimensionType.Dimension3D)
                // Find drop position on ground
                dropPosition = PhysicUtils.FindGroundedPosition(dropPosition, s_findGroundRaycastHits, GROUND_DETECTION_DISTANCE, GameInstance.Singleton.GetItemDropGroundDetectionLayerMask());
            LiteNetLibIdentity spawnObj = BaseGameNetworkManager.Singleton.Assets.GetObjectInstance(
                dropPosition, dropRotation);
            ItemDropEntity itemDropEntity = spawnObj.GetComponent<ItemDropEntity>();
            itemDropEntity.GivenType = givenType;
            itemDropEntity.InitPutOnPlaceholder(dropItem, looters, appearDuration);
            return itemDropEntity;
LordPhrozen commented 9 months ago

That seems FAR more reasonable! I did some tests and for the most part things look great! Should stop our item drops from ending up on floors above :)
