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Tile Movement in 2D Gameplay #2374

Closed anthonyselias closed 6 months ago

anthonyselias commented 6 months ago

Is there an option to set movement to Tile Grid movement? Instead of being able to walk anywhere, to only be able to walk 1 tile at a time?

insthync commented 6 months ago

You have to use this addons:

anthonyselias commented 6 months ago

I'm working on it now, but im having difficulty understanding this

" Attach A Star Character Movement 2D to your character entity Attach AI Lerp or AI Path component "

Where is my chracter entity located for me to attach them? thank you

anthonyselias commented 6 months ago

Is this the character entity i need to attach them to?


insthync commented 6 months ago

Attach A Star Character Movement 2D (replace RigidBodyEntityMovement2D) to the prefab of your character.

anthonyselias commented 6 months ago

So, find for example, the warrior prefab, remove rigidbody, add A Star character movement, and ai LERP. then go to my map , and add the pathfinder component, ami getting it correcT? Sorry, I know some Python, never used unity, but im trying to get the hang of it. I have been reading alot of guides, been spending many hours and kinda got the grasp here and there.

If, by any chance, you could make a super quick video or something, I would definately get you some KOFI! 👯‍♂️

Niinra commented 6 months ago

A Star Character Movement 2D

So, find for example, the warrior prefab, remove rigidbody, add A Star character movement, and ai LERP. then go to my map , and add the pathfinder component, ami getting it correcT? Sorry, I know some Python, never used unity, but im trying to get the hang of it. I have been reading alot of guides, been spending many hours and kinda got the grasp here and there.

If, by any chance, you could make a super quick video or something, I would definately get you some KOFI! 👯‍♂️

What Suriyun told you to do is remove this script, which is what controls the character's movement, and add A Star Character Movement 2D example: image

note: remember this in the prefab you use as a character