suriyun-production / mmorpg-kit-docs

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New character spawn problem #2375

Closed anthonyselias closed 6 months ago

anthonyselias commented 6 months ago

I have recently added the grid pathfinder to my project. But, whenever I make a new character, I see the user interface but the map is black, but when i move it goes back to normal, any clue on what it might be? Also, when i log back in with the character it loads up as normal.

So basically, I'm having a new issue of when i create a new character, it's pitch black until i move then it works.

Niinra commented 6 months ago

send a video to see what happens

anthonyselias commented 6 months ago

there ya go

Niinra commented 6 months ago

Did you buy in the scene if there is something that initially makes black on the camera or something that is instantiated? If you have not checked, check the scene to check if it is not a problem with the camera, And did you follow all the steps in Suriyun's documentation for that plugin?

anthonyselias commented 6 months ago

Yeah, im not sure why it's doing this. There isn't much in my map scene either, so i've been going back and forth compiling, checking, etc. its driving me crtazy

anthonyselias commented 6 months ago

I closed this, as I figured it out. for some reason the coordinates on the mapinfo wasnt working right, i had modified it by 1 digit and it worked