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Adding a mark on clicked tile #2377

Closed anthonyselias closed 6 months ago

anthonyselias commented 6 months ago

I'm using AI lerp for grid tile walking. How can I make it so when I click on a tile, it draws a temporary square on if? I got a example video of another game that has it to see what I'm talking about

anthonyselias commented 6 months ago

insthync commented 6 months ago

Might be an layer issues, again, just try to change the layer.

anthonyselias commented 6 months ago

That's not what i asked

insthync commented 6 months ago

Why is it not?, I think you meant to this, notice the circle when I click on the ground, it is already in the demo

So if the circle does not appear, I guess it might be an layer issue.

So, how is it not what you asked?

anthonyselias commented 6 months ago

The circle does appear that is correct. I was asking, how can I have the tile that I'm clicking on marked with a outer layer shade. Similar to the video I sent you. When I click on the tile, it marks the tile that I'm headed to.

Which file/script handles the circle that it currently has? I might be able to modify it myself to highlight the grid node it's going to unless you are able to help me with that.

Thank you.

Niinra commented 6 months ago

The circle does appear that is correct. I was asking, how can I have the tile that I'm clicking on marked with a outer layer shade. Similar to the video I sent you. When I click on the tile, it marks the tile that I'm headed to.

Which file/script handles the circle that it currently has? I might be able to modify it myself to highlight the grid node it's going to unless you are able to help me with that.

Thank you.

First I would start by changing the shape of the floor of the map with mosaics, then adjusting the target in the prefab of the character controller, changing it to a grid and that's it, you should look better at the asset documentation to orient yourself better, example: image

I recommend that you create a new controller, that is, a prefab and adjust it in your project. The controllers go here: image

anthonyselias commented 6 months ago

Do you have any instant messaging service where we can communicate better?

Niinra commented 6 months ago

Do you have any instant messaging service where we can communicate better?

is that my id to discord:546846760426012693

anthonyselias commented 6 months ago


never seen an id like that? usually its username#number

anthonyselias commented 6 months ago

I think I found you, i sent a friend request image