suriyun-production / mmorpg-kit-docs

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[Bug]Server Auth and Swimming #2385

Closed moepi2k closed 5 months ago

moepi2k commented 6 months ago

there is an issue when use serverauth and are in water

in default demo set moveSpeedRateWhileSwimming to e.g 0.1 so u can notice it better. in serview the movespeed is correct. but client not

insthync commented 6 months ago

I will fix it

insthync commented 5 months ago


moepi2k commented 5 months ago

i tested the commit, but its not working. the problem now is. when player is in water but idle. it has the no grounded state and it plays the fall animation

insthync commented 5 months ago

If it is a difference issues, please create a new post

insthync commented 5 months ago

Problem in this post is movement speed, if its animation is not correct then create a new post about it.

moepi2k commented 5 months ago

Yea its diffrent issue, but issue occure with that change. Just wanted to let u know, since that wadnt a bug before. will make new report :)